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FRA event
The meeting will take place online on Thursday, 10 November 2022 from 13:30-17:00 CET.
The EU subgroup on the national implementation of the EU anti-racism action plan will meet from 9 to 10 November in Brussels.
On 8 November, FRA will host a delegation from the Fundamental Rights Sector Coordination (FRSC) Project in Turkey’s European Affairs Directorate.
FRA will take part in a meeting of project promoters of Czech Roma inclusion projects funded under the EEA/Norway Grants programme.
FRA will present its Roma survey report results to the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.
On 4 November, FRA Director will take part in the Web Summit 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal. He will speak about automating human rights and host a roundtable on digital technologies and human rights.
The European Commission, in cooperation with FRA, is holding a national dialogue on the rule of law in Germany.
FRA’s Director will deliver a keynote speech on 27 October in Dublin at a Council of Europe European Roundtable event.
On 25 October, FRA will join discussions on the 100th Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint report on the current situation at the EU borders with Ukraine.
FRA will launch findings from its Roma survey report during the European Platform for Roma Inclusion meeting.