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Am 18. November vor 30 Jahren wurde das Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über die Rechte des Kindes, die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention, verabschiedet. Dieser wegweisende Menschenrechtsvertrag veränderte die Art und Weise, wie Erwachsene Kinder sehen und behandeln. Jedoch bleiben trotz der beachtlichen Fortschritte in Europa elementare Herausforderungen bestehen, wie etwa Kinderarmut.
Was versteht man eigentlich unter wirksamer Menschenrechtskommunikation? Und was müssen wir tun, damit sie funktioniert? Ein Workshop der FRA befasste sich mit diesen Fragen.
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On 14 November, FRA presented its upcoming report on the integration of young refugees in SCIFA, the Council of the EU’s Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum.
Last year FRA published its report on the experiences of almost 6,000 people of African descent in 12 EU Member States.
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FRA’s Director delivered a keynote speech during European Asylum Support Office’s Consultative Forum in Brussels on 12 November.
FRA joined an online seminar on fundamental rights in forced returns.
On 6 November, FRA contributed to a High Level Experts’ Meeting, organised by the European Commission on ‘What future for victims’ rights?’
On 14 November, FRA took part in the 3rd Digitising European Industry Stakeholder Forum, organised by the European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Mariya Gabriel and the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.
On 14-15 November in Warsaw, FRA spoke during a panel of the closing conference of the ETUCE-led EU CONVINCE project (EU Common Values Inclusive Education).
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FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty took part in a European Parliament hearing on 6 November in Brussels on the situation in the Greek migration hotspots.