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On 11-13 November, FRA participated in a workshop in Slivek organised by the Bulgarian National Statistical Institute.
The nine EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies are marking the 10-year anniversary of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights by pledging to continue to respect and promote fundamental rights throughout the work.
Noch immer grassiert der Antisemitismus in Europa. Staat und Zivilgesellschaft können aber nur dann effektive Gegenmaßnahmen entwickeln, wenn ausreichende Daten vorliegen. In ihrem aktuellen jährlichen Überblick über verfügbare Daten zu Antisemitismus, nun für den Zeitraum 2009-2019, stellt die FRA fest, dass antisemitische Vorfälle bei weitem nicht so gründlich und konsequent erfasst werden, wie es nötig wäre, um EU-weit angemessene amtliche Daten zu erheben.
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At the invitation of the Finnish Presidency of the EU Council, FRA provided input on effective alternatives to pre-removal detention and fundamental rights considerations in the Council Working Party on Integration, Migration and Expulsion.
Significant increase in arrivals in Greece, overcrowding of reception centres and violence against migrants at the borders are some of the fundamental rights concerns FRA identifies in its latest migration quarterly report. It also highlights the situation in the Mediterranean, where boats with migrants were still being forced to remain at sea, waiting for weeks or days until they were allowed to disembark.
The Irish police force, the Garda Síochána, invited FRA to give a presentation on the experiences of discrimination, harassment and violence of Muslims and people of African descent across the EU.
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On 18 October, FRA took part in a Brussels event on interoperable EU IT-systems in the area of migration and security.
FRA presented its focus paper on returning unaccompanied children and fundamental rights considerations to a workshop of the Intergovernmental Consultation on migration, asylum and refugees.
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Die jüngste Tragödie, bei der im Vereinigten Königreich 39 Menschen tot in einem Lkw aufgefunden wurden, machte deutlich, welchen enormen Preis Menschen an Schleuser zu zahlen bereit sind, die keinerlei Skrupel haben. Im Zuge dieses Ereignisses wiederholt die Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) ihre Forderung nach mehr sicheren und legalen Einreisemöglichkeiten nach Europa, um der Schleuserkriminalität Einhalt zu gebieten.
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FRA spoke at a public hearing on 21 October in Brussels on the new EU Disability Strategy 2020-2030.