
Developing indicators for the protection, respect and promotion of the rights of the child in the European Union

The indicators developed by the FRA presented in this report should be seen as a step towards a coherent, considered approach to the development, application, monitoring and review of EU law and policy affecting children. They constitute an initial toolkit to evaluate the impact of EU law and policy on children’s status and experience across various fields.

The indicators presented call for a cautious and pragmatic, step-by-step approach; one that respects the current boundaries of EU competence and acknowledges the respective and discrete roles of the international, European and national institutions responsible for addressing different aspects of children’s rights.

Developing indicators is as much about the process as it is about the product: we have made the effort to develop a broad and structured consultation process in developing these indicators. We intend to continue consulting and networking with key stakeholders and other actors in the field. The indicators presented here must therefore be seen as a starting point rather than as a definitive result, requiring ongoing refinement and expansion in response to data as it becomes available and legal and policy developments.