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3561 Documents found

Document Title / ID / Author / Date posted Downloads Category / Subcategory
Country research - The role of national bodies with a human rights remit in ensuring fundamental rights compliance of EU funds - Croatia / 44906 / Agency
( 19/12/2023 )
Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Country research - The role of national bodies with a human rights remit in ensuring fundamental rights compliance of EU funds - Bulgaria / 44905 / Agency
( 19/12/2023 )
Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
FRA Communication Strategy 2023-2028 (MS Word version) / 44916 / Agency
( 19/12/2023 )
Strategic planning documents
Children in migration: fundamental rights at European borders / 44901 / Agency
( 18/12/2023 )
Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Record of processing activity-FRF 2024 / 44891 / Agency
( 15/12/2023 )
Data protection
Data protection Notice-FRF 2024 / 44890 / Agency
( 15/12/2023 )
Data protection
EU funds: Ensuring compliance with fundamental rights - Embargo version / 44884 / Agency
( 11/12/2023 )
Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Online content moderation - Current challenges in detecting hate speech / 44843 / Agency
( 29/11/2023 )
Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Record of processing activity-Consultation of stakeholders -evaluation services FW-2-FRA-06 / 44871 / Agency
( 29/11/2023 )
Data protection
Data Protection Notice for Consultation of stakeholders -evaluation services FW-2-FRA-06 / 44870 / Agency
( 29/11/2023 )
Data protection
Record of processing activity- Violence against Women-Ukraine / 44869 / Agency
( 29/11/2023 )
Data protection
Data Protection Notice for Data Subjects- Violence against Women-Ukraine / 44868 / Agency
( 29/11/2023 )
Data protection
Online content moderation press release / 44860 / Agency
( 29/11/2023 )
Newsletters, brochures, Media releases
Record of processing activity - Expert meeting on digitalisation and justice: fundamental rights guidance 28-11-2023 / 44846 / Agency
( 22/11/2023 )
Data protection
Data protection notice - Expert meeting on digitalisation and justice: fundamental rights guidance 28-11-2023 / 44845 / Agency
( 22/11/2023 )
Data protection