
EU:n perusoikeuskirja


  • Fundamental Rights Report
    This focus takes a closer look at the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which has been legally binding for 10 years. At EU level, it has gained visibility and sparked a new fundamental rights culture. At national level, awareness and use of the Charter are limited. Courts increasingly use the Charter, showing the impact of this modern instrument. But its use by governments and parliaments remains low. For instance, there is little indication of anyone regularly scrutinising national legislation that transposes EU law for compatibility with the Charter.
  • Country sheets
    Jäsenvaltioilla on yksiselitteinen velvollisuus edistää perusoikeuskirjan soveltamista. Näissä maakohtaisissa koosteissa tuetaan tuota velvollisuutta antamalla esimerkkejä perusoikeuskirjan käytöstä ja esittämällä, miten se tuo lisäarvoa.
  • Page
    Perusoikeudet tarkoittavat perusoikeuksia ja -vapauksia, jotka kuuluvat kaikille EU:ssa. Ne ovat samat riippumatta siitä, mistä olet kotoisin, mihin uskot tai miten elät.
  • Infographic
    Fundamental Rights Report 2019: The Charter of Fundamental Rights is the EU’s bill of human rights. These rights and principles have to be respected and promoted by EU institutions and Member States whenever they act within EU law. Approaching the Charter’s 10th anniversary, Member States do not yet make full use of the potential it offers.
    DA, ET, FI, LT, PT, SV versions now available
    30 July 2024
    Euroopan unionin perusoikeuskirja, jäljempänä ’perusoikeuskirja’, on EU:n ihmisoikeuksien luettelo. Se sitoo EU:n toimielimiä ja jäsenvaltioita aina, kun ne toimivat unionin oikeuden soveltamisalalla. Ei ole kuitenkaan kovinkaan helppoa arvioida, kuuluuko tietty konkreettinen asia unionin oikeuden soveltamisalaan. Siksi oikeusalan ammattihenkilöille on annettava koulutusta ja koulutusaineistoa, jotta he saavat käsityksen siitä, mikä on perusoikeuskirjan soveltamisala sen 51 artiklan mukaisesti. Tämän kouluttajan käsikirjan tarkoituksena on antaa neuvontaa sekä kyseisten koulutusten järjestämisestä että toteuttamisesta.
    The Agency provides support and expertise on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union at different governance levels by delivering a series of products related to the the Charter.
    Key statements from the FRA/Euractiv online event Reinforcing the EU Charter: rights of people in the EU in the next decade, 7 December 2020.
    This focus takes a closer look at the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which has been legally binding for 10 years. At EU level, it has gained visibility and sparked a new fundamental rights culture. At national level, awareness and use of the Charter are limited. Courts increasingly use the Charter, showing the impact of this modern instrument. But its use by governments and parliaments remains low. For instance, there is little indication of anyone regularly scrutinising national legislation that transposes EU law for compatibility with the Charter.
    Check out the EU's modern human rights catalogue and its chapter about Justice.
    Check out the EU's modern human rights catalogue and its chapter about Freedoms.
    Check out the EU's modern human rights catalogue and its chapter about Equality.
    Check out the EU's modern human rights catalogue and its chapter about Citizens' Rights.
    Check out the EU's modern human rights catalogue and its chapter about Solidarity.
    Improve law and policies by always checking the applicability of the Charter!
    Check out the EU's modern human rights catalogue and its chapters starting with Dignity.
    Check out the EU's modern human rights catalogue! The Charter celebrates this year its 10th anniversary since it became legally binding!
    The Charter is most effective, and has a real impact on people’s lives, when parliaments, governments and courts at local, regional and national levels all actively apply it. The national sphere is particularly relevant. A strong fundamental rights architecture and committed national governments and parliaments are key to letting the Charter unfold its potential at this level. Civil society organisations (CSOs) and national human rights institutions (NHRIs) are also crucial given their contributions to the protection and promotion of Charter rights.
    Fundamental Rights Report 2019: The Charter of Fundamental Rights is the EU’s bill of human rights. These rights and principles have to be respected and promoted by EU institutions and Member States whenever they act within EU law. Approaching the Charter’s 10th anniversary, Member States do not yet make full use of the potential it offers.
    Jäsenvaltioilla on yksiselitteinen velvollisuus edistää perusoikeuskirjan soveltamista. Näissä maakohtaisissa koosteissa tuetaan tuota velvollisuutta antamalla esimerkkejä perusoikeuskirjan käytöstä ja esittämällä, miten se tuo lisäarvoa.
    Kyseessä on erittäin nykyaikainen ihmisoikeuksien luettelo, jossa on monia sellaisia
    oikeuksia, joita ei ole vakiintuneissa oikeusluetteloissa. Paperilla perusoikeuskirja
    näyttääkin hyvältä. Ne, jotka tuntevat EU:n oikeuden pääperiaatteet, pystyvät tavallisesti sanomaan välittömästi, että peruskirja sitoo EU:ta aina ja jäsenvaltioita vain
    silloin, kun ne ”soveltavat unionin oikeutta”. Mitä tämä usein siteerattu perusoikeuskirjan 51 artiklan kohta sitten todella tarkoittaa?
    With this Opinion, FRA aims to contribute to the European Parliament's own-initiative report on the “Implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the EU institutional framework”, being prepared in the Parliament’s Committee for Constitutional Affairs (AFCO). The request aims at understanding the interaction between the Charter’s implementation at national and EU level, and whether there are “instruments, mechanisms and practices” available at EU level to assist Member States to better implement the Charter.
    This leaflet explains how national parliaments, governments and courts can use the Charter and shows how the Charter was used at the national level in 2015.
    Copenhagen Seminar Report
    Danish Presidency of the Council of the EU and EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (15–16 March 2012)
    Perusoikeudet tarkoittavat perusoikeuksia ja -vapauksia, jotka kuuluvat kaikille EU:ssa. Ne ovat samat riippumatta siitä, mistä olet kotoisin, mihin uskot tai miten elät.