Through the Platform, FRA cooperates with:
If your organisation falls under any of these categories and meets the criteria below, please register here.
Registration remains permanently open, and organisations can deregister at any time.
Please note that by registering in the database, your organisation agrees to fulfil the following criteria, as outlined in Article 2 of the Platform Terms of Reference:
"Civil society organisations cooperating with FRA through the Platform shall fulfil all the following requirements:
While the Platform is the Agency’s key interface with civil society, it is not a body of the Agency and not a representative structure. It has no decision-making powers, and does not constitute a form of ‘membership’. The organisations cooperating within the Platform may not act or speak on behalf of FRA, and may not use the logo of FRA. FRA cannot in any way be held responsible for any actions and/or expressions of organisations cooperating within the Platform."