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Bulgarian civil society organisations invited FRA to contribute to a conference on ‘Business and Civil Society: Partners for a Better Civic Space’. The conference was held in Sofia on 21 November.
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FRA addressed a conference organised by Hungarian civil society organisations about an EU civil society strategy. The conference brought together participants from Hungary, from other EU Member States, and from European level civil society umbrella organisations.
FRA joined the autumn plenary meeting of the OECD’s Global Partnership on AI (GPAI) on 12 and 13 December in Paris.
The European Guardianship Network met in Dublin from 13 to 14 November. They discussed the challenges and implementation of the EU’s Asylum and Migration Pact in the area of guardianship for unaccompanied children.
FRA joined an international conference on public administration in Paris on 14 November. The conference discussed governance of AI as well as the use of AI by public administrations.
FRA contributed to an EU law training event for Hungarian administrative law judges. The FRA focus was on artificial intelligence (AI) and fundamental rights implications.
FRA’s Director will take part in the 25th anniversary of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights. She will join a high-level panel debate discussing how to stand up for human rights in challenging times.
FRA will present its report on EU Funds: Ensuring compliance with fundamental rights at a meeting of the Member States' expert group on the Common Provisions Regulation for EU Funds.
Labour exploitation and abuse is all too common for many migrant workers in the EU. A new training manual from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) provides workplace inspectors with tips, examples and exercises to better protect migrant workers’ rights.
From 20 to 21 November, an Equinet seminar on Climate Change and its Equality Implications will take place in Brussels. It aims to continue developing and enhancing the knowledge and understanding of Equality Bodies regarding climate change and its impact on equality.
FRA will take part in the 1st Eastern Partnership Civil Society Summit. It will take place from 19 to 21 November in Vienna.
The EU Victims’ Rights Platform will meet on 18 November. The online meeting aims to discuss and synchronise ongoing and planned actions in relation to the challenges and opportunities related to the new technologies and victims’ rights.
FRA will take part in the next Infra4NextGen Stakeholders Board online meeting on 18 November. The project is funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme.
FRA will take part in a meeting of the EU Network for Children’s Rights. FRA will present insights and outputs from its integrated child protection systems project.
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FRA hosted the Annual General Meeting of its Fundamental Rights Platform from 12 to 13 November. FRA Director Sirpa Rautio announced the Agency will pilot a Youth Advisory Panel and outlined the Agency’s strategic plans for the next years.
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On 13 November, as part of her country visit to Albania, FRA Director Sirpa Rautio met with the leaders of 42 civil society organisations active in Albania.
FRA spoke about the economic, social and cultural rights situation in Europe and the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on fundamental rights. It drew from the focus chapter of the Agency’s fundamental rights report 2024.
On 15 November, a group of Slovenian and Erasmus students from the University of Ljubljana law faculty will visit FRA.
FRA presented its work on the use of new technologies by law enforcement at a hybrid seminar of the Independent Police Complaints Authorities’ Network (IPCAN). IPCAN members attended the 8 November event.
FRA took part in the Annual Meeting of Focal Points of Regional Human Regional Human Rights Mechanisms. The UN Human Rights Office organised the meeting. It took place on 13 November.