
Crimes violate people’s fundamental rights. Therefore, victims have a right to criminal justice. European Day for Victims of Crime, on 22 February, offers the chance to examine the protection Member States offer to safeguard victims’ rights.
Poor conditions in overcrowded receptions centres and violence against migrants are some of the main concerns the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) identifies in its latest migration quarterly report. An increase in arrivals of asylum seekers in Cyprus, Greece and Spain leads to further delays in processing asylum applications.
The FRA Director will speak together with EU Equality Commissioner Dalli during the opening of the annual meeting of the National Roma Contact Points.
The European Commission is exploring the possibility of establishing an EU Child Guarantee.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty speaks about the publication of FRA's second LGBTI-survey on the 17th of March and how we can use the results to further battle discrimination.
How should the EU approach to artificial intelligence and facial recognition?
The European Commission held a meeting on the rule of law on 6 February in Brussels.
The Council of Europe is revising its 1997 recommendation on National Human Rights Institutions.
The Netherlands Helsinki Committee hosted a workshop on communicating rights in a post-truth area.
FRA will speak at a judicial independence workshop in Florence on 14 February.
FRA’s Director and a delegation of its Management Team will meet the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on 7 February in Geneva.
How can we strengthen citizen involvement in the EU’s cohesion funds?
On 5 February, civil law students from Utrecht’s Molengraaff Dispuut association will visit FRA.
On 5 February, FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty will meet EU Commissioners to better understand their priorities and explore how FRA can support their work.
Accurately measuring violence against women is important to help governments prioritise the issue and create policies that work.
The agency’s Scientific Committee will meet on 10 February at FRA.
The rule of law will feature at this year’s European Police Congress where the FRA Director will speak.
The new-look, modern FRA website allows users to quickly and simply find the key fundamental rights information they need.
FRA will address a conference on combating antisemitism in the OSCE region.
Europol held a meeting to on 24 January in the Hague boost internal security innovation.