
FRA and the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) will hold a joint event for members of the OSCE’s national contact points network and the FRA-led EU Working Group on hate crime reporting, recording and data collection.
On 13 November, FRA will speak at a seminar on human rights and local democracy in Europe in Strasbourg. FRA will contribute to a table discussion on actions from the Council of Europe and the European Union in human rights at the local level.
The Annual General Meeting of the Fundamental Rights Platform will take place online on 12-13 November 2024.
FRA attended two meetings in Brussels in the framework of a country visit to Belgium of the EU Subgroup on Equality Data. The Belgian Equal Opportunities Division hosted and chaired the country visit to Belgium on 4. November.
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FRA held an information session for public authorities on FRA’s work to support the rights-compliant implementation of the EU’s Migration and Asylum Pact.
FRA took part in a series of meetings in Brussels on antiracism and equality from 16 to 18 October.
FRA participated in the 4th EU-UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) strategic dialogue in Geneva on 21 October.
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FRA took part in a roundtable on the rights of third-country workers, organised by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Brussels on 18 October.
FRA participated in the 11th expert meeting on children in migration, organised by the European Commission (DG Home) in Brussels on 25 October.
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The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) issues an annual overview of national forced return monitoring systems across the EU. The overview for 2023 is now available.
FRA took part in the EU Energy Poverty Advisory Hub international conference on the theme of 'Turning the tide: paving the way for energy poverty alleviation' on 15-16 October 2024.
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FRA took part in the European conference on ‘EU Legislation after the Pact on Migration & Asylum’ on 17-18 October.
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FRA presented its Fundamental Rights Platform at the EU Drugs Agency (EUDA) consultation meeting with civil society organisations (CSOs) in Lisbon on 22 October.
The workshop co-organised by the European Commission and FRA brought together civil society organisations to discuss the findings of the FRA report 'Being Muslim in the EU' and the challenges they face in combating this form of racism.
Jede zweite Person muslimischen Glaubens in der EU ist in ihrem Alltag mit Rassismus und Diskriminierung konfrontiert – diese Zahl ist seit 2016 stark gestiegen. Muslimische Frauen, Männer und Kinder werden dabei nicht nur wegen ihrer Religion zur Zielscheibe, sondern auch wegen ihrer Hautfarbe und ihres ethnischen Hintergrunds oder weil sie Migrant*innen sind. Besonders betroffen sind junge Muslime, die in der EU geboren sind, und Frauen, die religiöse Kleidung tragen. Dies sind einige der Ergebnisse des jüngsten Berichts der Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA).
FRA's Director will take part in the EU – UN Human Rights Office strategic dialogue on 21 October in Geneva. The UN Human Rights Office and the EU’s External Action Service organised the meeting.
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On 1 October, FRA took part in a meeting of European Platform for Roma Inclusion. It spoke about monitoring national Roma frameworks, the use of indicators and setting of targets as well as about the progress in carrying out its Roma survey 2024.
FRA will speak about institutional and structural racism during the Council of Europe’s European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) annual seminar with Equality Bodies.
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On 10 October, FRA contributed to a discussion on the EU’s migration and asylum pact organised by the Council of Europe Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees. The meeting was part of the Council of Europe’s Coordination Group on Migration.
FRA presented its updated guidance on monitoring fundamental rights during a Contact Committee meeting on the Asylum Procedure Regulation organised by the European Commission.