
The EU’s European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held its ‘Civil Society Week’ in Brussels from 4 to 7 March. The flagship event gathered people of all ages and backgrounds, including youth, journalists and EU institutions, for a vibrant debate.
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On 12 March, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) signed new agreements to strengthen its partnership and cooperation with two EU Agencies - Frontex and eu-Lisa.
The next Fundamental Rights Forum will take place in Vienna on 11 and 12 March 2024. It will unite policymakers, thought leaders, human rights defenders, corporate executives, artists, and other influential figures with a simple goal: to embrace human rights for Europe’s brighter future.
Sirpa Rautio
FRA Director Sirpa Rautio delivers the opening statement at the Agency's flagship event, the Fundamental Rights Forum 2024 in Vienna on 11 March.
On 5 March, FRA took part in a webinar, organised by the Prime Minister’s Office, launching the Finnish website on fundamental and human rights indicators. The website will monitor the implementation of fundamental rights in Finland.
FRA presented its approach to measuring self-identification and discrimination experiences, during the second meeting of Eurostat’s Equality and Non-Discrimination Statistics Task Force.
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FRA attended the annual meeting of the EUAA training reference group in Malta on 5 March. It was joined by representatives of the European Commission, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), the UN Refugee Agency, the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and the EU Asylum Agency’s Consultative Forum.
On 26 and 27 February, FRA visited the Closed Controlled Access Centre of Mavrovouni in Lesvos. The visit to this initial reception facility relates to FRA’s commitments under the December 2020 Greece-EU Memorandum of Understanding on a Multi-Purpose Reception and Identification Centre in Lesvos.
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On 5 March, FRA attended a Plenary meeting of the EU Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint, a mechanism established by the European Commission for better monitoring and anticipating migration movements.
FRA presented developments of its Charter tools, material and activities during a HELP seminar for EU Contact Points. These included new language translations of the Charter courses, updates of the Charterpedia and the case law database.
FRA recently added nine new language versions to its Charter e-learning platform. This development marks a significant step in FRA's commitment to providing comprehensive resources to a wider audience.
In its observer role, FRA attended the fourth and final meeting of the informal, ad-hoc and temporary group on combating anti-Muslim hatred.
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FRA took part in a meeting of the Austrian task force on Ukraine on 1 March in Vienna.
Grün? Kohlenstoffneutral? Viele dieser Aussagen beruhen nicht auf Fakten. Die Unternehmen benutzen sie, um Menschen zum Kauf von Produkten oder Dienstleistungen zu bewegen, die möglicherweise nicht nachhaltig sind. Solche Grünfärberei-Praktiken können Verbraucher täuschen und der Umwelt schaden. In einem aktuellen Bericht der EU-Agentur für Grundrechte (FRA) wird untersucht, was die EU und die Länder tun sollten, um Grünfärberei zu bekämpfen und die Verbraucher dabei zu unterstützen, fundierte und umweltfreundliche Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Sirpa Rautio
New FRA Director Sirpa Rautio delivers her maiden speech to EU Justice Ministers during the EU's Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting on 5 March 2024 in Brussels. The Director joined a session on the Council’s Conclusions on the European Commission’s annual report on the application of the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter.
The new FRA Director, Sirpa Rautio, will take part in the meeting of Justice Ministers on 5 March. The FRA Director will join a session on the Council’s Conclusions on the European Commission’s annual report on the application of the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter. The conclusions are expected to be adopted at the meeting.

FRA will attend the UNECE and UNICEF expert group meeting on statistics on children. FRA will give a presentation to inform the experts about the data on violence against children that is collected in the agency's surveys on violence against women.
FRA held the closing conference of its EEA & Norway Grants-funded regional cooperation project ‘Supporting National Human Rights Institutions in monitoring fundamental rights and the fundamental rights aspects of the rule of law’. The event raised awareness and improved understanding of NHRIs’ role in enhancing the application of the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter at the national level and in the EU framework.
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FRA attended a meeting of the EU Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint. The meeting on 27 February marked the second anniversary of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine.
FRA spoke during the online launch of the Global Nonprofits Guide 2.0 on 1 March. The guide brings together information on laws relating to the setting up and operations of civil society organisations in 70 countries.