
Practical guidance in the area of asylum, migration and borders

Based on its findings and research FRA provides practical guidance to support the implementation of fundamental rights in the EU Member States. This series contains practical guidance on: Initial-reception facilities at external borders; Apprehension of migrants in an irregular situation; Guidance on how to reduce the risk of refoulement in external border management when working in or together with third countries; Fundamental rights implications of the obligation to provide fingerprints for Eurodac; Twelve operational fundamental rights considerations for law enforcement when processing Passenger Name Record (PNR) data and Border controls and fundamental rights at external land borders.

On this page you can find practical guidance on:

  • Apprehension of migrants in an irregular situation
  • Guidance on how to reduce the risk of refoulement in external border management when working in or together with third countries
  • Fundamental rights implications of the obligation to provide fingerprints for Eurodac
  • Twelve operational fundamental rights considerations for law enforcement when processing Passenger Name Record (PNR) data