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3559 Documents found

Document Title / ID / Author / Date posted Downloads Category / Subcategory
Data Protection Notice - Research project on GDPR - the experience of data protection authorities / 43464 / Agency
( 15/06/2022 )
Data protection
Record of processing activity - Research project on GDPR - the experience of data protection authorities / 43465 / Agency
( 15/06/2022 )
Data protection
Consolidated Annual Activity Report of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights 2021 / 43457 / Agency
( 13/06/2022 )
Annual activity reports
Decision on the establishment of the pre-selection panel for the position of Head of the Equality, Roma and Social Rights Unit / 43453 / Agency
( 13/06/2022 )
Vacancy notice FRA-TA-ERS-AD9-2022 / 43454 / Agency
( 13/06/2022 )
Minutes of the 38th Management Board meeting 16-17 December 2021 / 43449 / Agency
( 09/06/2022 )
Management Board meeting documents
Agenda - 39th Management Board meeting 19-20 May 2022 / 43450 / Agency
( 09/06/2022 )
Management Board meeting documents
Management Board Decision 2022/05 - Appointment of FRA's Deputy accounting officer / 43448 / Agency
( 09/06/2022 )
Management Board decisions
Management Board Decision 2022/01 - Decision to mandate the Director to request the EC agreement to delegate powers conferred by the Staff Regulations on the Appointing Authority and to Conclude Contracts of Employment to the Director / 43444 / Agency
( 09/06/2022 )
Management Board decisions
Management Board Decision 2022/02 - Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2022 / 43445 / Agency
( 09/06/2022 )
Management Board decisions
Management Board Decision 2022/03 - Adoption of Management Board budgetary transfer 2022-01 and Amndment n.1 of the Programming Document 2022-2024 / 43446 / Agency
( 09/06/2022 )
Management Board decisions
Management Board Decision 2022/04 - 2022-01 Amending Budget / 43447 / Agency
( 09/06/2022 )
Management Board decisions
Country research - Criminal Detention in the EU: Conditions and Monitoring - Update of FRA’s Criminal Detention Database - Latvia / 43423 / Agency
( 08/06/2022 )
Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Social rights and equality in the light of the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic / 43386 / Agency
( 08/06/2022 )
Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Country research - Criminal Detention in the EU: Conditions and Monitoring - Update of FRA’s Criminal Detention Database - Belgium / 43405 / Agency
( 08/06/2022 )
Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies