Compendium of practices on hate crime

This compendium collates practices for combating hate crime from across the EU. The practices have been compiled by the Working Party on Improving Reporting and Recording of Hate Crime in the EU. In the list below step-by-step descriptions of the practices are broken down by country and category. The aim of the compendium is to help policymakers and practitioners such as law enforcement officers understand what is being done elsewhere in the EU to combat hate crime, and which elements could be adapted for use in their own national contexts.  Read more >>

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48 Promising Practices found

  • Enquête GENESE sur les violences liées au genre
    Encourage reporting
    Communication, dissemination and awareness raising, Monitoring progress and impact
    Survey aimed at measuring gender-based violence.
  • Guía de buenas prácticas para la denuncia de los delitos de odio
    Encourage reporting
    Communication, dissemination and awareness raising, Outreach to communities at risk of hate crime victimisation, Provision of guidance, training and capacity building
    The good practice guide aims to encourage hate crime reporting. It is aimed at the general public, who may be potential victims of hate crime, and at enhancing the capacities of law enforcement agencies.
  • Guía de actuación con víctimas de delitos de odio con discapacidad del desarrollo
    Encourage reporting
    Outreach to communities at risk of hate crime victimisation, Provision of guidance, training and capacity building, Specialist victim support services
    The guide aims to support police officers when dealing with victims of hate crime against people with disabilities and when investigating hate crime against people with disabilities.
  • Hatbrottsstatistik
    Improve recording and data collection
    Flagging potential hate crimes, Monitoring progress and impact, Provision of guidance, training and capacity building
    The biennial collection of hate crime statistics in Sweden enables an evaluation of the police’s ability to identify and record hate crimes. Producing high-quality hate crime statistics also leads to increased awareness about hate crimes by providing information about the structure and development of such crimes.
  • Защита правата на човека и обучение за придобиване на необходими знания и умения от полицейските служители, работещи в мултиетническа среда, включително сред ромската общност
    Encourage reporting
    Countering discriminatory practices in policing, Cross institutional cooperation, Provision of guidance, training and capacity building
    The project aimed to improve the capacity of police officers to work in a multi-ethnic environment and increase their respect for human rights.
  • Identificeren en aanpakken van problemen of misbruiken bij politieselectiviteit. Een actieonderzoek naar problematische praktijken en mechanismes van politieselectiviteit in de politiezone Schaerbeek-Evere-Sint-Joost- ten-Node (PolBruNo)/Sélectivité Policière
    Encourage reporting
    Cooperation with civil society and community organisations, Countering discriminatory practices in policing
    The collaborative study on ‘Identifying and addressing problems or abuses in police selectivity’ examines the organisation and operation of the Brussels-North police zone around profiling mechanisms. It examines a range of modalities of police selectivity, including ethnic profiling and conscious and/or unconscious practices and mechanisms that impact on different population groups.
  • Az országos rendőrfőkapitány 30/2019. (VII. 18.) ORFK utasítása a gyűlölet-bűncselekmények kezelésével összefüggő rendőrségi feladatok végrehajtásáról
    Improve recording and data collection
    Flagging potential hate crimes, Provision of guidance, training and capacity building, Use of bias-indicators
    Instruction 30/2019 (VII.18.) on the performance of police tasks related to the handling of hate crimes provides guidance on uniform, effective and professional law enforcement responses to hate crimes.
  • Loi du 5 mai 2019 portant modification le Code pénal afin de favoriser les mesures alternatives dans la prise en charge de la délinquance inspirée par le racisme ou la xénophobie et de mieux lutter contre la récidive en matière de discrimination/Wet van 5 mei 2019 houdende wijziging van het Strafwetboek, teneinde meer in te zetten op alternatieve maatregelen bij de beteugeling van door racisme of xenofobie ingegeven delinquentie, en in verband met discriminatie herhaling doeltreffender tegen te gaan
    Encourage reporting
    Law of 5 May 2019 amending the Criminal Code to increase the use of alternative measures to curb racist and xenophobic delinquency and combat recidivism related to discrimination more effectively.
  • Dansk Politis moniteringspraksis for hadforbrydelser
    Improve recording and data collection
    Flagging potential hate crimes, Monitoring progress and impact
    The monitoring scheme to strengthen police registration of hate crime and to have an ongoing overview of the number of hate crimes and their distribution on different motives, types of crime and crime scenes.
  • NO HATE BG: Заедно в защита на малцинствата и противодействие на престъпленията от омраза
    Encourage reporting
    Communication, dissemination and awareness raising, Cooperation with civil society and community organisations, Outreach to communities at risk of hate crime victimisation
    The aim of the project was to enhance protection of minorities, with an emphasis on the prevention of hate crime, strengthen the capacity of public authorities and non-governmental organisations to combat hate crime and share best practices on addressing hate crime.