Articolul 26 - Integrarea persoanelor cu handicap
Uniunea recunoaște și respectă dreptul persoanelor cu handicap de a beneficia de măsuri care să le asigure autonomia, integrarea socială și profesională, precum și participarea la viața comunității.
Principiul conţinut în acest articol se întemeiază pe articolul 15 din Carta socială europeană şi este inspirat în egală măsură din punctul 26 din Carta comunitară a drepturilor sociale fundamentale ale lucrătorilor.
§ 28. (…) Lasterikkad pered ja puuetega inimesed on riigi ja kohalike omavalitsuste erilise hoole all.
§ 1. Purpose and scope of Act (1) The purpose of this Act is to ensure the protection of persons against discrimination on grounds of nationality (ethnic origin), race, colour, religion or other beliefs, age, disability or sexual orientation. (2) In order to achieve the purpose specified in subsection (1) of this section, this Act provides for: 1) the principles of equal treatment; 2) duties upon implementation and promotion of the principle of equal treatment; 3) resolution of discrimination disputes. § 5. Disability For the purposes of this Act, disability is the loss of or an abnormality in an anatomical, physiological or mental structure or function of a person which has a significant and long-term unfavourable effect on the performance of everyday activities.
§ 1. Seaduse reguleerimisala ja eesmärk. (1) Käesolev seadus sätestab puuetega inimeste sotsiaaltoetuste liigid, nende saamise tingimused, nende suurused ning määramise ja maksmise korra. (2) Käesoleva seaduse eesmärk on puuetega inimeste iseseisva toimetuleku, sotsiaalse integratsiooni ja võrdsete võimaluste toetamine ning õppimise ja töötamise soodustamine puudest tingitud lisakulude osalise hüvitamise kaudu.
§ 1. Scope of application and purpose of Act (1) This Act provides the classes of social benefits for disabled persons, the conditions of entitlement thereto, the amounts of benefits and the procedure for the grant and payment thereof. (2) The purpose of this Act is to support the ability of disabled persons to cope independently, social integration and equal opportunities and to promote studies and work through partial compensation for the additional expenses caused by the disability.
§ 1. Seaduse eesmärk ja reguleerimisala (1) Seaduse eesmärk on tagada isikute kaitse diskrimineerimise eest rahvuse (etnilise kuuluvuse), rassi, nahavärvuse, usutunnistuse või veendumuste, vanuse, puude või seksuaalse sättumuse alusel. (2) Käesoleva paragrahvi lõikes 1 nimetatud eesmärgi saavutamiseks sätestab seadus: 1) võrdse kohtlemise põhimõtted; 2) ülesanded võrdse kohtlemise põhimõtte rakendamisel ja edendamisel; 3) diskrimineerimisvaidluste lahendamise. § 5. Puue. Käesoleva seaduse tähenduses on puue inimese anatoomilise, füsioloogilise või psüühilise struktuuri või funktsiooni kaotus või kõrvalekalle, millel on oluline ja pikaajaline ebasoodus mõju igapäevatoimingute sooritamisele.
Article 58 (2) The state shall devote special care to the protection of persons with disabilities and their inclusion in social life. (3) The state shall devote special care to the protection of Croatian war veterans and disabled Croatian war veterans, as well as the widows, parents and children of fallen Croatian war veterans.
Članak 58. (2) Posebnu skrb država posvećuje zaštiti osoba s invaliditetom i njihovu uključivanju u društveni život. (3)Posebnu skrb država posvećuje zaštiti hrvatskih branitelja, hrvatskih ratnih vojnih invalida, udovica, roditelja i djece poginulih hrvatskih branitelja.
Art. 48 [...] (2) The State shall create conditions conducive to the exercising of the right to work by persons with physical and mental disabilities.
Чл. 48 [...] (2) Държавата създава условия за осъществяване на правото на труд на лицата с физически и психически увреждания.
Artikel 7 (1) Alle Staatsbürger sind vor dem Gesetz gleich. Vorrechte der Geburt, des Geschlechtes, des Standes, der Klasse und des Bekenntnisses sind ausgeschlossen. Niemand darf wegen seiner Behinderung benachteiligt werden. Die Republik (Bund, Länder und Gemeinden) bekennt sich dazu, die Gleichbehandlung von behinderten und nichtbehinderten Menschen in allen Bereichen des täglichen Lebens zu gewährleisten.
Article 7(1) All nationals (Austrian citizens) are equal before the law. Privileges based upon birth, sex, estate, class or religion are excluded. No one shall be discriminated against because of his disability. The Republic (Federation, Laender and municipalities) commits itself to ensuring the equal treatment of disabled and non-disabled persons in all spheres of every-day life.