
FRA joined the Council of Europe’s Octopus Conference on cybercrime in Strasbourg from 10 to 22 November.
FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty presented key challenges for civil society organisations in the EU and suggested ways forward to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 28 November.
On 20 November in Brussels, FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty met the new European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson to inform her of relevant FRA work.
FRA will be a partner of the international human rights film festival, this human world, for the third year.
FRA will take part in the 9th meeting of its collaborative platform on social and economic rights.
Private companies and public authorities worldwide increasingly use facial recognition technology. Several EU Member States are now considering, testing or planning to use it for law enforcement purposes as well. While this technology potentially supports fighting terrorism and solving crimes, it also affects people’s fundamental rights. A new Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) paper looks at the fundamental rights implications of relying on live facial recognition technology, focusing on its use for law enforcement and border management purposes.
FRA will speak during a panel discussion on challenges regarding gender equality in education at a meeting of the Education and Training 2020 Working Group on Promoting Common Values and Inclusive Education.
Millions of women and girls in Europe suffer physical, sexual or psychological violence at the hands of their partner or family members. On International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November, FRA calls on the EU and its Member States to step up their commitment towards ending violence against women.
FRA’s Director Michael O’Flaherty will visit the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights for the first time on 25 November in Warsaw.
On 21 November, FRA will take part in a panel debate of the Vienna Discussion Forum 2019 on ending violence against women through crime prevention, criminal justice responses and women’s economic empowerment.
The next Internet Governance Forum (IGF) takes place in Berlin from 25 to 29 November.
This week from 25 November until 29 November, FRA will co-host the 2019 UNICEF TransMonEE network meeting in Vienna.
On 22 November, the Heads of the nine EU Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) agencies met at Europol’s headquarters in The Hague. The discussions focused on the implementation of the New Strategic Agenda 2019-2024, the state-of-play of the interoperability project and the common efforts in reinforcing diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Check out the EU's modern human rights catalogue and its chapters starting with Dignity.
News Item
EUROCITIES and the Citiy of Amsterdam organised a workshop and panel debate about inclusion of Muslim communities and prevention of discrimination in cities.
The European Judicial Training Network recently signed a Letter of Intent with FRA.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) invited several EU agencies to discuss results of their project on possible uses of artificial intelligence by EU agencies.
On 14 November, FRA’s Director spoke at the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions’ 2019 Annual Conference ‘Realising Economic and Social Rights in Europe: the role of National Human Rights Institutions’.
On 21 November in Helsinki, FRA will participate in an event to discuss how to achieve deinstitutionalisation for people with disabilities in Finland.
Today marks 30 years of the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child – a landmark human rights treaty. It changed how adults view and treat children. But despite considerable progress in Europe, basic challenges, such as child poverty, remain.