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On 7 December, the FRA Director addressed the EU NGO Forum. This year it focused on a human rights-based recovery from the pandemic.
The FRA Director exchanged views with EU justice ministers during the Justice Council meeting on 10 December.
Die Coronavirus-Pandemie hat erhebliche sozioökonomische Ungleichheiten in ganz Europa offenbart. Roma-Kinder, Migrantinnen und Migranten, Menschen mit Behinderungen – diese sind nur einige der bereits marginalisierten Gruppen, die nun auch noch besonders schwer unter den Auswirkungen der Pandemie zu leiden haben. Der Tag der Menschenrechte bietet die Gelegenheit, uns daran zu erinnern, wie durch den Abbau von Ungleichheiten gerechtere Gesellschaften und eine bessere Welt geschaffen werden können. Die Förderung von Rechten kann Millionen Menschen Hoffnung geben und ihre Möglichkeiten durch einen gleichberechtigten Zugang zu solchen Grundversorgungsdiensten wie Bildung, Beschäftigung und Gesundheitsversorgung verbessern.
Migrants and asylum applicants have the right to get information about why their fingerprints are collected in Eurodac, EU’s IT system for asylum seekers and apprehended migrants. To guide authorities, a joint leaflet on how to understandably explain what Eurodac does is now available in various EU languages.
Violence, exploitation, terrible living conditions or limited access to healthcare and education. These are the realities unaccompanied migrant children face in Europe. A new report from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) suggests steps the EU and its Member States should take to offer better protection to unaccompanied children and ensure their rights are respected.
On 25 November, FRA spoke about the impact of the pandemic on people with disabilities. It drew from its Fundamental Rights Report 2021.
FRA attended the annual meeting of cooperation focal points of regional human rights mechanisms on 2 December. The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights organised the event. The meeting focused on how to coordinate the work of regional offices responsible for promoting and protecting human rights as well as cooperation with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
It is with great sadness that FRA notes the passing of the noted Czech human rights champion and former FRA Management Board member, Petr Uhl.
The Crime, safety and victims' rights – Summary presents the main insights from FRA’s second main report from its Fundamental Rights Survey.
FRA presented its online database of criminal detention conditions in the EU to judges and prosecutors.