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The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) launched its policy brief Border Management and Human Rights.
The Handbook on European non-discrimination law – 2018 edition is now also available in Swedish.
FRA contributed to training Schengen evaluators on 6-10 December in Lisbon in the field of return and external borders.
On 8 December, FRA presented Charterpedia, the agency’s database on information related to the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter to the staff at the European Union’s Court of Justice (CJEU).
On 8 and 10 December, FRA participated in two panels at the 16th Internet Governance Forum 2021.
Aktuelle Nachricht
Die Behandlung von Migrantinnen und Migranten an den EU-Grenzen ist nach wie vor ein dringliches Grundrechtsproblem. Die wiederholten Todesfälle an Land und auf See sind eine tragische Erinnerung an die dringende Notwendigkeit grundrechtskonformer Lösungen, so die Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) am Vorabend des Internationalen Tags der Migranten am 18. Dezember.
Each year, FRA updates its overview of forced return monitoring systems across the EU. The overview of 2020 returns is now online.
On 8 December, the Agency presented its various criminal justice work to the Council Working Party on Judicial Cooperation on Criminal Matters (COPEN).
FRA hosted a webinar with the European Commission for its Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP) about the EU Rule of Law mechanism and related stakeholder consultation.
FRA held an online information session together with the European Commission for its Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP) about funding for projects related to the EU Fundamental Rights Charter and strategic litigation.