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FRA took part in an international conference under the Slovenian EU Presidency on ‘Human Rights for All Ages: Promoting a Life Course Perspective and Intergenerational Cooperation to Combat Ageism’.
Between 8 and 9 November, the FRA Director visited Malta.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is deeply concerned about the worsening situation at the EU external borders with Belarus.
FRA took part in an international conference under the Slovenian EU Presidency on ‘Human Rights for All Ages: Promoting a Life Course Perspective and Intergenerational Cooperation to Combat Ageism’.
New languages of the handbook on European non-discrimination law are now available. It is now also in Lithuanian, Portuguese and Slovak.
FRA presented its disability work during the European Parliament’s annual workshop on the rights of people with disabilities.
Während der gesamten Coronavirus-Pandemie kam es zu hassmotivierten antijüdischen Vorfällen. Obwohl in einigen Ländern die Zahl der antisemitischen Vorfälle zurückgegangen ist, besteht das Hauptproblem in ganz Europa weiterhin darin, dass die meisten Vorfälle nicht gemeldet werden. Jedes Land erhebt Daten auf unterschiedliche Weise, während einige überhaupt keine Daten erheben. Laut dem jüngsten jährlichen Überblick der Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) über antisemitische Vorfälle behindert dies nach wie vor die Bemühungen, den Antisemitismus in Europa wirksam zu bekämpfen.
FRA spoke at two online conferences on civil society last week, organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).
Effective access to competent legal assistance is a key safeguard to enable people in return proceedings to exercise their rights to an effective remedy and access to justice, finds a new report from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). It identifies current practices and issues, and suggests how national authorities could improve effective access to competent legal aid.
On 20 October, FRA met French civil society organisations who are part of its civil society network, the Fundamental Rights Platform.