
On 12 October, FRA will present the Conditions of Criminal Detention database during a meeting of the Council of the EU’s Working Party on Cooperation in Criminal Matters (COPEN).
The FRA Director exchanged views with justice ministers from across the EU on 9 October on combating antisemitism and hate speech.
On 8-9 October, FRA will present an overview of its activities at the Eurostat Working Group meeting on Statistics on Crime and Criminal Justice.
The European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) will host a session during EU Regions Week to discuss how best to safeguard the rights of mobile EU citizens in post-pandemic times.
FRA will present its European Fundamental Rights Information System (EFRIS) tool to civil society via its Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP) on 7 October.
FRA will discuss the fundamental rights considerations of using Artificial intelligence during a meeting of the European Commission’s Digital Criminal Justice Expert Group.
Große Unternehmen für ihre Menschenrechtsverletzungen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen, ist schwierig, und vielen Opfern widerfährt nie Gerechtigkeit. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt ein neuer Bericht der Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA). Grund hierfür ist das komplexe Geflecht multinationaler Unternehmen, die in verschiedenen Ländern Netzwerke von Tochterunternehmen und Lieferketten unterhalten. Der Bericht zeigt praktische, verfahrenstechnische und finanzielle Hindernisse auf. , die die EU und ihre Mitgliedstaaten beseitigen sollten. Nur so ist sicherzustellen, dass Opfer solcher Rechtsverletzungen Zugang zu wirksamen Rechtsbehelfen haben.
FRA will present its new report on business and human rights during a workshop at conference entitled ‘Global Supply Chains, Global Responsibility’
On 29 September, international organisations exchanged information on business and human rights-related activities.
Staff from intergovernmental organisations and EU institutions responsible for cooperation with civil society and for supporting human rights defenders met online on 28 September to exchange information about ongoing and upcoming activities.
FRA took part in the EASO vulnerability network annual conference, which took place through four online meetings during September.
EU Justice and Home Affairs agencies exchanged experiences on 24 September on how they apply the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter.
FRA’s Director will focus on child rights in emergency situations and what can we learn from COVID-19 in his address to the 13th European Forum on the rights of the child on 30 September.
Einem neuen Bericht der Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) zufolge hat die Coronavirus-Pandemie Roma und Travellers (Fahrende) besonders hart getroffen. Viele Roma und Travellers haben ihr Einkommen verloren, Überbelegung und fehlende sanitäre Einrichtungen haben zu erhöhten Gesundheitsrisiken geführt, und Fernunterricht gestaltet sich ohne Internetzugang schwierig. Auch Diskriminierung und romafeindliche Rhetorik haben zugenommen, vor allem im Internet. Die FRA fordert die politischen Entscheidungsträger auf, diese unmittelbaren Herausforderungen dringend anzugehen und dauerhafte Strukturen einzurichten, um tief verwurzelte Vorurteile und Diskriminierung zu bekämpfen.
FRA will facilitate the meeting of the Subgroup on Equality Data, under the EU High Level Group on Non-Discrimination, Equality and Diversity.
On 29 September, FRA’s Director Michael O’Flaherty speaks at an international conference on lessons learned from COVID-19 for strengthening older people’s rights in times of digitalisation.
FRA will contribute, for the first time as a cooperating partner, to the annual NHRI Academy.
Michael O’Flaherty
FRA Director delivers a speech on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 20 years later, on 28 September 2020 at a conference to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Charter’s entering into force, organised by the University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona.
On 28 September, FRA’s Director Michael O’Flaherty takes part in a seminar on how to best communicate equality and diversity messages.