
The nine EU Agencies active in the field of freedom, security and justice convened today in Budapest for a high-level meeting, chaired by CEPOL, to take stock of the main achievements in 2022, which includes the ongoing engagement with Ukraine and Moldova.
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FRA spoke at a conference on ‘Countering Shrinking Civic Space and Creating and Enabling Environment for Civil Society in the EU.
On 25 November, the European Commission’s child rights coordinator hosted an Interservice Group meeting to discuss the implementation of the EU Strategy on Child Rights (2021-2024).
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FRA and the Consultative Forum attended the Frontex Management Board meeting.
On 17 November, the FRA Director had bilateral meetings at the European Parliament.
On 22 November, the Council of the EU hosted a training session on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights for Justice and Home Affairs Councillors.
FRA took part in the online AGE Annual Conference 2022 on 18 November.
On 17 November, FRA joined the first European Employment and Social Rights Forum.
FRA compiled an overview of key aspects of national laws implementing the EU Temporary Protection Directive in nine EU Member States.
On 24 November, FRA will give a lecture to a delegation of the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna.
Am 17. November 2022 richtete die Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) ein Sachverständigentreffen aus, um zu eruieren, wie der 2022 vorgelegte Leitfaden der FRA zur Einrichtung unabhängiger und wirksamer nationaler Mechanismen für die Grenzüberwachung in der Praxis zu einer wirksamen Überwachung der Grundrechte an den Grenzen beitragen kann.
On 21 November, FRA will hold a virtual lecture for students of the European University of Cyprus.
On 10 November, FRA hosted the annual meeting of the Fundamental Rights Platform.
On 16 November, FRA joined the conference of German commissioners against antisemitism and for the promotion of Jewish life.
The first meeting of the ETIAS Fundamental Rights Guidance Board took place on 14 November.
FRA participated at the first Civil Society Forum on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.
The first meeting of the Consultative Forum of the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) took place in Malta on 10 November.
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FRA presented and discussed its second bulletin on the fundamental rights impact of the Russian aggression against Ukraine at the Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens' Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP).
FRA presented the results of its Roma survey 2021 to participants of the European Platform for Roma Inclusion. This is a regular event since 2009.
FRA presented the main findings of its latest Roma survey at a hearing of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).