
The summary of FRA’s report on Strong and effective national human rights institutions: challenges, promising practices and opportunities is now available online in all EU languages. It is also available in Macedonian and Serbian.
FRA will meet partners online from its FRANET research network to implement the second part of its project on procedural safeguards for children in criminal proceedings. The focus will be on interviewing children to capture their experiences and perspectives in criminal proceedings. FRANET partners from seven EU Member States – Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Italy, Poland and Portugal – will attend.
FRA delivered online training on 30 March on the fundamental rights considerations of returning unaccompanied children. The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) organised the webinar.
Aktuelle Nachricht
The update to FRA’s anti-Muslim hatred database is now available. It covers 2012 up to mid-2020.
Die Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie bekommen nach wie vor alle Gesellschaften zu spüren, allerdings sind die Herausforderungen für Roma dabei besonders groß. Dies erklären die Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) und das Büro der OSZE für demokratische Institutionen und Menschenrechte (BDIMR) anlässlich des Internationalen Roma-Tages.
FRA will present results from its Roma and Travellers Survey during a webinar organised by European Public Health Alliance (EPHA).
FRA will join panel discussions on 8 April, International Roma Day, organised by the Austrian parliamentary president.
FRA will participate in the annual meeting of the Eurostat Working Group on Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics. The 5-6 May meeting brings together national statistical institutes, different European Commission Directorates-General and EU agencies.
FRA will introduce its guide on preventing unlawful profiling during a webinar on 1 April. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Agencia GIZ Costa Rica are organising the webinar.
During the first of a series of seminars on AI and law, FRA presented its research findings on the fundamental rights implications of using Artificial Intelligence.
Die Unschuldsvermutung ist ein zentrales Recht in der Strafgerichtsbarkeit. Doch Vorurteile, Voreingenommenheit und Praktiken wie etwa die Vorführung von Angeklagten in Handschellen untergraben dieses Recht in vielen europäischen Ländern, wie die Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) in ihrem neuesten Bericht feststellt. Die FRA appelliert an die EU-Länder, die Rechte aller Angeklagten ungeachtet ihres Hintergrunds zu respektieren.
On 31 March, FRA contributes to conference discussions on the effectiveness of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) in the Western Balkans.
There are many reasons why adults may find themselves in a situation of vulnerability - because of their age, health or disability. Vulnerable people are at greater risk of unfair treatment, exploitation or abuse. And cross-border settings can lead to additional obstacles. It's time to address these challenges and identify the needs of vulnerable adults so everyone can enjoy their fundamental rights.
Michael O'Flaherty
FRA Director, Michael O'Flaherty, delivered a speech during a panel debate reflecting on the current situation facing vulnerable adults and the way forward. The Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU hosted the high-level conference on protecting vulnerable adults across Europe. It took place on 30 March 2021.

On 30 March, FRA will join the European Commission’s regular dialogue with civil society and international partners on Roma inclusion, integration and equality. FRA will provide an update on developments related to its work with civil society, the Roma working party and its Roma survey.
FRA Director will deliver a keynote speech during a high-level online conference on protecting vulnerable adults across Europe. The conference provides an opportunity to reflect on the current situation and look ahead to what steps are necessary to ensure that all members of our diverse societies can enjoy their fundamental rights, including equal access to justice.
FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty, in his latest vlog, reflects on the migration situation at the EU’s external borders. He highlights the need for sustained joined-up efforts from all relevant bodies, including civil society, to protect the wellbeing and human rights of migrants. He underlines the importance of working with local communities as we receive migrants into our communities. He also points to room for improvement is our treatment of unaccompanied children.
FRA will join round-table discussions on identifying and preventing the discriminatory impact of artificial intelligence.
On 24 March, FRA took part in a webinar organised by the European Network of Ombudsmen on AI and e-government in public administrations.
Youth for Exchange and Understanding is organising an event to raise awareness among young people about systemic discrimination.