
On 20 March, FRA will hold an inception meeting with partners from its Franet research network for a new project on violence against people with disabilities in institutions.
FRA will run a webinar on 20 March at 10:00-12:00 CET for civil society organisations on available resources to Human Rights Defenders in need of relocation. This includes research and support available in the EU.
FRA will present its work on the LGBTIQ survey at the LGBTIQ Equality Subgroup meeting that runs from 19 to 20 March.
FRA will present its report on ‘EU funds-ensuring compliance with fundamental rights’ to the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on 19 March.
Representatives from the Council of Europe, the European Commission and partner countries will meet on 19 March. They will launch their joint initiative on supporting Member States to make judicial proceedings more child-friendly across Europe nationally and locally.
FRA will present its report on the fundamental rights of older people, ensuring access to public services in digital societies to the European Commission Disability Platform.
FRA took part in the European Cancer Organisation’s civil society workshop on social cancer inequalities. FRA presented its work drawing from its LGBTIQ survey.
FRA will speak at the Austrian anti-racism days 2024, which will take place from 14 to 21 March. On 15 March, FRA will present its mandate and work, including notably its findings in the areas of anti-racism and of civic space.
On 14 March, the European Economic and Social Committee's Permanent group on the Inclusion of Roma held a public hearing on ensuring political participation of Roma at the local, national and European level. It sought to identify obstacles, solutions and good practices.
The Fundamental Rights Officer from the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum visited FRA from 13 to 14 March to discuss the methodology for a fundamental rights impact assessment of the closed and controlled access centres on the Greek islands.
Immediately after the Fundamental Rights Forum, on 12 and 13 March the Scientific Committee met in Vienna. The Scientific Committee meeting provided the first opportunity for the Committee to meet the new FRA Director Sirpa Rautio.
On 13 March, a group of experts working on children and justice met at the Agency for a mutual exchange on current priorities and upcoming activities.
FRA took part in the annual meeting of the Working Group on Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics. FRA gave a presentation at the meeting.
The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) held its annual IdeasLab in Brussels on 4 and 5 March. The thinktank convened renowned experts and representatives from various sectors of society to debate EU affairs.
The EU’s European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held its ‘Civil Society Week’ in Brussels from 4 to 7 March. The flagship event gathered people of all ages and backgrounds, including youth, journalists and EU institutions, for a vibrant debate.
News Item
On 12 March, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) signed new agreements to strengthen its partnership and cooperation with two EU Agencies - Frontex and eu-Lisa.
The next Fundamental Rights Forum will take place in Vienna on 11 and 12 March 2024. It will unite policymakers, thought leaders, human rights defenders, corporate executives, artists, and other influential figures with a simple goal: to embrace human rights for Europe’s brighter future.
Sirpa Rautio
FRA Director Sirpa Rautio delivers the opening statement at the Agency's flagship event, the Fundamental Rights Forum 2024 in Vienna on 11 March.
On 5 March, FRA took part in a webinar, organised by the Prime Minister’s Office, launching the Finnish website on fundamental and human rights indicators. The website will monitor the implementation of fundamental rights in Finland.
FRA presented its approach to measuring self-identification and discrimination experiences, during the second meeting of Eurostat’s Equality and Non-Discrimination Statistics Task Force.