
FRA will join a meeting of the Spanish international legal cooperation network from 7 to 8 October in Toledo.
FRA took part in a regional policy meeting of about 70 experts from EU Member States and international organisations on rights of victims of violent crime suffered in immigration and pre-trial detention.
On 26 September, FRA took part in a panel discussion on memory, stereotypes and preventing antisemitism following an invitation from the Office of the Antismitism Coordinator of North Rhine Westphalia.
News Item
FRA contributed to the EUROCITIES Expert Working Group in Braga from 24 to 26 September on developing an effective integrated city plans for Roma inclusion.
FRA attended a conference of the EU-funded ‘Call it Hate: Raising Awareness of Anti-LGBT Hate Crime’ project.
Leading human rights communicators will gather at FRA from 3 to 4 October to discuss and seek solutions for the challenges and opportunities arising from the pace of change in the world around us.
FRA will take part in a national stakeholder conference convened by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission on 3 October in Dublin.
If you are old, chances are you have been discriminated against. It is so common in fact that, across the EU, over 40% of Europeans feel that discrimination towards older people is widespread in their country. Marking International Day for Older People, FRA calls on EU institutions and Member States to fully respect the rights of older people.
FRA will join the European Commission, National Roma Contact Points and other stakeholders to discuss future Roma policies.
FRA took part in the high-level conference in Paris from 26 to 27 September to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Council of Europe’s European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI).
FRA took part in the second meeting of the European Guardianship Network in Glasgow on 23 and 24 September.
Poor information and inadequate access to legal assistance often prevent defendants in criminal proceedings from full access to justice, as FRA latest report reveals. It points to where Member States should improve information flows and legal representation to uphold defendants’ rights.
The FRA Executive Board will meet at the Agency on 27 September.
This handbook provides an overview of key aspects of access to justice in Europe.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty shares his view on the current human rights situation in Europe.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty focuses on the migration situation in the Mediterranean Sea and makes three proposals.
Michael O’Flaherty
Speech delivered by Michael O'Flaherty at Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly side event on communicating rights on 10 April in Strasbourg.
Many young Jewish Europeans face antisemitic harassment in Europe, but are also very resilient as they clearly express their Jewish identity, finds a report published today by the European Commission and FRA. Rising hate speech and intolerance towards them shows the urgent need for continued concerted efforts to adequately address society’s longstanding and persistent hostility towards Jews.
Michael O'Flaherty
The FRA Director delivers a keynote speech on 17 June 2019 during the 'Building the present, designing the future: public policies for a more equal society' seminar organised by the International University Menéndez Pelayo in Santander Spain.
Michael O'Flaherty
We shouldn’t be here this morning. It shouldn’t be that 100 years after the Philadelphia Declaration and the founding of the ILO that we should talk about systemic, criminal exploitation of labour. It shouldn’t be that we should talk about it in, of all places, Europe.