With the present synthesis report the Agency presents a comparative analysis of acts of aggression and changes in attitudes towards Muslims and other minority groups across the European Union in the wake of 11 September. The report is based on 15 country reports provided by the Agency's RAXEN network of National Focal Points (NFPs) in all EU Member States, and which cover the period: 12th September - 31st December 2001.
Second Report 29 November 2001
In order to have a longer term and regular monitoring on attitudes/incidents towards Muslim/Islamic communities and other vulnerable groups, the Agency has decided to follow up the first report and continue to closely monitor the situation at least until the end of the year 2001.
This second report covers the period from the 25th September to the 19th October. It is a collection of edited country reports that, according to the Agency request, have addressed in particular the following issues:
Initial Report 04 October 2001
Following the tragic terrorist attacks in the USA on 11th September the Agency found that there was a pressing need to follow closely the possible negative repercussions on racial and xenophobic attitudes and events in civil societies in Europe. On the basis of national reports drafted by its RAXEN network of National Focal Points (NFPs), the Agency has produced a first short-term report on anti-Islamic reactions in all countries of the European Union on 9th October 2001.
The Agency asked the RAXEN National Focal Points to produce an overview on the following Questions: