Videos on children and justice

Each year, an estimated 2.5 million children go through legal procedures. Two-thirds of children do not receive adequate information during proceedings. Their understanding of their rights and procedures is rarely checked. The behaviour of legal professionals affects to what degree children feel safe and comfortable. These videos provide practical guidelines about how to ensure justice is child-friendly.

Children and justice: your rights

When children are involved in judicial proceedings, such as being at court, they should always enjoy their rights. This video is a compilation of some of these rights. Each right can also be embedded / downloaded individually – please see below.

Download high resolution video files >>

Clip available in: BG - CS - DE - ENES - ET - FR - HR - PL - RO - RU

Children and justice: your right to be heard

Children need to be heard and be involved in all issues that concern them. This includes the justice system.

Download high resolution video files >>

Clip available in: BG - CS - DE - ENES - ET - FR - HR - PL - RO

Children and justice: your right to protection and legal representation

Children should always be supported by a professional support person when they are involved in judicial proceedings, such as being at court. This could be, for example, a social worker or a legal counsellor.

Download high resolution video files >>

Clip available in: BG - CS - DE - ENES - ET - FR - HR - PL - RO


Children and justice: your right to information

During judicial proceedings, such as being at court, children should always be told what is going on. The information should be presented in a child-friendly and understandable way.

Download high resolution video files >>

Clip available in: BG - CS - DE - ENES - ET - FR - HR - PL - RO

Feel free to add the clip to your website! To embed the clips:

  • Click on one of the links to view the clip in your language on YouTube and look for the 'Share' link below the clip
  • Click on the section 'Embed'
  • Copy and paste the code into your web page
  • Please credit FRA as the source and link to this web page

Feel free to download the high resolution video files!

This means that:

  • You are free to share the material, provided that the FRA is credited as the source.
  • You are free to adapt it, for example by translating the voice-over into another language. For this purpose, we provide versions without voiceover but with all sound effects and music. Please find the files on the bottom of the following list. Should you wish to adapt it, you must inform us at

Language versions and download links

List of language versions and download files for animated clips on Children and justice
  Children and justice:
your rights
- Compilation
Children and justice:
your right to be heard
Children and justice:
your right to protection
and legal representation
Children and justice:
your right to information
български (bg) Твоите права
ПрегледайСвали (mp4)
Твоето право да бъдеш изслушван
ПрегледайСвали (mp4)
Твоето право на защита и правно представителство
ПрегледайСвали (mp4)
Твоето право на информация
ПрегледайСвали (mp4)
Česky (cs)

Vaše práva
Náhled- Stáhnout (mp4)

Thanks to the Office for International Legal Protection of Children for the translation and voice over recording, which was financially supported by the European Social Fund.

Vaše právo být slyšen 
Náhled- Stáhnout (mp4)
Vaše právo na ochranu a právní zastoupení
Náhled- Stáhnout (mp4)
Vaše právo být informován
Náhled- Stáhnout (mp4)
Deutsch (de) Deine Rechte
Ansicht- Herunterladen (mp4)
Dein Recht angehört zu werden
Ansicht - Herunterladen (mp4)
Dein Recht auf Schutz und Rechtsvertretung
Ansicht - Herunterladen (mp4)
Dein Recht auf Information
Ansicht- Herunterladen (mp4)
English (en) Your rights
View - Download (mp4)
Your right to be heard
View - Download (mp4)
Your right to protection and legal representation
View - Download (mp4)
Your right to information
View - Download (mp4)
español (es) Tus derechos
Ver - Descargar (mp4)
Tu derecho a ser oído
Ver - Descargar (mp4)
Tu derecho a protección y representación legal
Ver - Descargar (mp4)
Tu derecho a la información
Ver - Descargar (mp4)
eesti keel (et) Sinu õigused
Näita - Allalaadimine (mp4)
Sinu õigus olla ära kuulatud
Näita - Allalaadimine (mp4)
Sinu õigus õigusabile ning kaitsele
Näita - Allalaadimine (mp4)
Sinu õigus informatsioonile
Näita - Allalaadimine (mp4)
français (fr) Tes droits
VoirTélécharger (mp4)
Ton droit à être entendu
VoirTélécharger (mp4)
Ton droit à être protégé et à bénéficier d’une assistance juridique
VoirTélécharger (mp4)
Ton droit à être informé
VoirTélécharger (mp4)
ελληνικά (el) Παιδιά και δικαιοσύνη: τα δικαιώματά σου!
Τηλεφόρτωση (mp4)

Thanks to the contribution of the Greek Children’s Ombudsman for the translation and voice over recording.

hrvatski (hr) Tvoja prava
Pregled - Preuzimanje (mp4)
Tvoje pravo da izraziš svoje mišljenje
Pregled - Preuzimanje (mp4)
Tvoje pravo na zaštitu i pravno zastupanje
Pregled - Preuzimanje (mp4)
Tvoje pravo na informacije
Pregled - Preuzimanje (mp4)
polski (pl) Twoje prawa
Pokaż - Pobierz (mp4)
Twoje prawo do bycia wysłuchanym
Pokaż - Pobierz (mp4)
Twoje prawo do ochrony i pomocy prawnej
Pokaż - Pobierz (mp4)
Twoje prawo do informacji
Pokaż - Pobierz (mp4)
română (ro) Drepturile tale
Afişează - Descarcă (mp4)
Dreptul tău de a fi ascultat
Afişează - Descarcă (mp4)
Dreptul tău la protecţie şi reprezentare legală
Afişează - Descarcă (mp4)
Dreptul tău la informare
Afişează - Descarcă (mp4)
Русский (ru)

Дети и правосудие: твои права
Вид - Скачать (mp4)

Thanks to the contribution of by the Public Charitable Foundation "Oasis" for the translation and distribution for educational purposes within the framework of the project "Social partnership in the rehabilitation of children in conflict with the law". Thanks also to the the support of the German Embassy in Bishkek, Kyrgystan.

Without voiceover Your rights
Download (mp4)
Your right to be heard
Download (mp4)

Your right to protection and legal representation
Download (mp4)

Your right to information
Download (mp4)