Past events

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753 Events found

External event
FRA and the Committee of the Regions’ Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional & External Affairs (CIVEX) will hold their annual dialogue on 9 December in Brussels.
The agency’s Scientific Committee will meet on 6 December at FRA.
The FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty will be in Berlin to prepare for the forthcoming German Presidency of the Council of the EU.
External event
Missing Children Europe invited FRA to present its child protection guide focusing on victims of trafficking during a policy debate.
External event
FRA will contribute to a UN’s Human Rights Council debate in Geneva on 3 December.
External event
EU Justice Ministers will meet on 3 December in Brussels.
External event
FRA will present the situation of human rights defenders in the EU during the EU NGO Forum in Brussels from 3 to 4 December.
External event
FRA will take part in the meeting of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance in Luxembourg on 3 December
The FRA Director, Michael O’Flaherty, will speak during the plenary meeting of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the EU (COSAC) in Helsinki on 2 December.
FRA will chair a panel discussion on access to remedies in practice that will look at what are the critical barriers and next steps to protecting migrants workers.