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3558 Documents found

Document Title / ID / Author / Date posted Downloads Category / Subcategory
32nd Meeting of the FRA Scientific Committee / 23592 / Agency
( 02/12/2016 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Scientific Committee meeting agendas
33rd Meeting of the FRA Scientific Committee / 23593 / Agency
( 02/12/2016 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Scientific Committee meeting agendas
Guidance on how to reduce the risk of refoulement in external border management when working in or together with third countries / 23587 / Agency
( 01/12/2016 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Memorandum of Understanding between FRA and the Ministry of Migration Policy of the Hellenic Republic - November 2016 / 23581 / Agency
( 01/12/2016 )
Administrative documents / Cooperation agreements
Scope of the principle of non-refoulement in contemporary border management: evolving areas of law / 23509 / Agency
( 28/11/2016 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey: Roma - Selected findings / 23508 / Agency
( 28/11/2016 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
EUMIDIS II Roma media memo / 23504 / Agency
( 28/11/2016 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases
EUMIDIS II Roma technical qa / 23494 / Agency
( 24/11/2016 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases
EUMIDIS II - Roma selected findings press release / 23491 / Agency
( 24/11/2016 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases
Current migration situation in the EU: hate crime - November 2016 / 23410 / Agency
( 22/11/2016 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Incitement in media content and political discourse in Member States of the European Union / 23314 / Agency
( 14/11/2016 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Violence, threats and pressures against journalists and other media actors in the European Union / 23316 / Agency
( 14/11/2016 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Rights of suspected and accused persons across the EU: translation, interpretation and information / 23259 / Agency
( 09/11/2016 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Criminal detention and alternatives: fundamental rights aspects in EU cross-border transfers / 23260 / Agency
( 09/11/2016 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Press release - Trust vital for effective cross-border criminal justice / 23264 / Agency
( 09/11/2016 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases