
EU-stadgan om de grundläggande rättigheterna

Artikel 13 - Frihet för konsten och vetenskapen

Artikel 13 - Frihet för konsten och vetenskapen

Konsten och den vetenskapliga forskningen ska vara fria. Den akademiska friheten ska respekteras.

    • Text:

      Denna rättighet härleds i första hand ur tanke- och yttrandefriheten. Den ska utövas med respekt för artikel 1 och får underkastas de begränsningar som tillåts i artikel 10 i Europakonventionen.

      Europeiska unionens officiella tidning C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
      Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
      Förklaringarna utarbetades ursprungligen på initiativ av presidiet för det konvent som utarbetade Europeiska unionens stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna. De har uppdaterats på initiativ av Europeiska konventets presidium mot bakgrund av de justeringar av stadgetexten som gjorts av det senare konventet (särskilt artiklarna 51 och 52) samt unionsrättens vidare utveckling. Även om förklaringarna inte i sig har rättslig status, utgör de ett värdefullt tolkningsverktyg avsett att klargöra stadgans bestämmelser.

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    42 results found

    • Latvijas Republikas Satversme

      113. Valsts atzīst zinātniskās, mākslinieciskās un citādas jaunrades brīvību, kā arī aizsargā autortiesības un patenttiesības.

    • Law on Scientific Activity

       Section 2(1) The purpose of this Law is to strengthen the role of the State in the fostering of science as a particularly important factor in the development of society. (2) This Law prescribes the unity of science and higher education, the rights, liabilities, independence and academic freedom of scientists, professional and social security, and the competence and obligations of State authorities in the ensuring of scientific activity. Section 3. Any person, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, language, age, political or religious conviction, social origin, or material, family or employment situation and other circumstances, has the right to perform scientific activity.

    • Zinātniskās darbības likums

       2.pants(1) Šā likuma mērķis ir nostiprināt valsts rūpes par zinātni kā īpaši svarīgu sabiedrības attīstības faktoru.(2) Likums nosaka zinātnes un augstākās izglītības vienotību, zinātnieku tiesības, atbildību, neatkarību un akadēmisko brīvību, profesionālās un sociālās garantijas, valsts institūciju kompetenci un saistības zinātniskās darbības nodrošināšanā. 3.pants. Tiesības veikt zinātnisko darbību ir jebkurai personai neatkarīgi no rases, tautības, dzimuma, valodas, vecuma, politiskās un reliģiskās pārliecības, sociālās izcelsmes, mantiskā, ģimenes vai dienesta stāvokļa un citiem apstākļiem. (Ar grozījumiem, kas izdarīti ar 21.06.2007. likumu,

    • Constitution of the Italian Republic

      Art. 9. The Republic promotes the development of culture and of scientific and technical research. It safeguards natural landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the Nation. Art. 33. The Republic guarantees the freedom of the arts and sciences, which may
      be freely taught. (...) Higher education institutions, universities and academies, have the right to establish their own regulations within the limits laid down by the law.

    • Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana

      Art. 9. La Repubblica promuove lo sviluppo della cultura e la ricerca scientifica e tecnica.Tutela il paesaggio e il patrimonio storico e artistico della Nazione. Art. 33. L'arte e la scienza sono libere e libero ne è l'insegnamento. (...) Le istituzioni di alta cultura, università ed accademie, hanno il diritto di darsi ordinamenti autonomi nei limiti stabiliti dalle leggi dello Stato.

    • Arts Act 2003

        An act to promote the development of and participation in the arts; (...)

    • Magyarország Alaptörvénye

        X. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG)(1) Magyarország biztosítja a tudományos kutatás és művészeti alkotás szabadságát, továbbá — a lehető legmagasabb szintű tudás megszerzése érdekében — a tanulás, valamint törvényben meghatározott keretek között a tanítás szabadságát.(2) Tudományos igazság kérdésében az állam nem jogosult dönteni, tudományos kutatások értékelésére kizárólag a tudomány művelői jogosultak. (3) Magyarország védi a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia és a Magyar Művészeti Akadémia tudományos és művészeti szabadságát. A felsőoktatási intézmények a kutatás és a tanítás tartalmát, módszereit illetően önállóak, szervezeti rendjüket és gazdálkodásukat törvény szabályozza. Az állami felsőoktatási intézmények gazdálkodási rendjét törvény keretei között a Kormány határozza meg, gazdálkodásukat a Kormány felügyeli.

    • The Fundamental Law of Hungary

      Article X (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) Hungary shall ensure the freedom of scientific research and artistic creation, the freedom of
      learning for the acquisition of the highest possible level of knowledge and, within the
      framework laid down in an Act, the freedom of teaching.
      (2) The State shall have no right to decide on questions of scientific truth; only scientists shall have the right to evaluate scientific research.
      (3) Hungary shall protect the scientific and artistic freedom of the Hungarian Academy of
      Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Arts. Higher education institutions shall be
      autonomous in terms of the content and the methods of research and teaching; their
      organisation shall be regulated by an Act. The Government shall, within the framework of
      an Act, lay down the rules governing the management of public institutes of higher education and shall supervise their management.

    • Constitution of the Hellenic Republic

      Article 16 (1). Art and science, research and teaching shall be free and their development and promotion shall be an obligation of the State. Academic freedom and freedom of teaching shall not exempt anyone from his duty of allegiance to the Constitution. [...]

    • Το Σύνταγμα της Ελλάδας

      Άρθρo 16 (1). H τέχνη και η επιστήμη, η έρευνα και η διδασκαλία είναι ελεύθερες· η ανάπτυξη και η πρoαγωγή τoυς απoτελεί υπoχρέωση τoυ Kράτoυς. H ακαδημαϊκή ελευθερία και η ελευθερία της διδασκαλίας δεν απαλλάσσoυν από τo καθήκoν της υπακoής στo Σύνταγμα. [...]

    • Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

      Article 5 (1) Every person shall have the right freely to express and disseminate his opinions in speech, writing and pictures, and to inform himself without hindrance from generally accessible sources. Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by means of broadcasts and films shall be guaranteed. There shall be no censorship. (2) These rights shall find their limits in the provisions of general laws, in provisions for the protection of young persons, and in the right to personal honour. (3) Arts and sciences, research and teaching shall be free. The freedom of teaching shall not release any person from allegiance to the constitution.

    • Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

      Artikel 5 (1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt.(2) Diese Rechte finden ihre Schranken in den Vorschriften der allgemeinen Gesetze, den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Jugend und in dem Recht der persönlichen Ehre. (3) Kunst und Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre sind frei. Die Freiheit der Lehre entbindet nicht von der Treue zur Verfassung. .

    • Constitution of Finland

      Section 16 Educational rights (...) The freedom of science, the arts and higher education is guaranteed.

    • Suomen perustuslaki

      16 § Sivistykselliset oikeudet (...) Tieteen, taiteen ja ylimmän opetuksen vapaus on turvattu.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Estonia

      Article 38. Science and art and their teachings are free.
      Universities and research institutions are autonomous within the limits prescribed by the law.

    • Eesti Vabariigi Põhiseadus

      § 38. Teadus ja kunst ning nende õpetused on vabad. Ülikoolid ja teadusasutused on seaduses ettenähtud piires autonoomsed.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Croatia

      Article 69
      The freedom of scientific, cultural and artistic creativity shall be guaranteed.
      The state shall encourage and support the development of science, culture and the arts.
      The state shall protect scientific, cultural and artistic assets as national spiritual values.
      The protection of moral and material rights deriving from scientific, cultural, artistic,
      intellectual and other creative efforts shall be guaranteed.
      The state shall encourage and support care for physical culture and sports.

    • Ustav Republike Hrvatske

      Članak 69.
      Jamči se sloboda znanstvenoga, kulturnog i umjetničkog stvaralaštva.
      Država potiče i pomaže razvitak znanosti, kulture i umjetnosti.
      Država štiti znanstvena, kulturna i umjetnička dobra kao duhovne narodne vrednote.
      Jamči se zaštita moralnih i materijalnih prava koja proistječu iz znanstvenoga, kulturnog, umjetničkog, intelektualnog i drugog stvaralaštva.
      Država potiče i pomaže skrb o tjelesnoj kulturi i športu.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria

      Art. 23. The State shall establish conditions conducive to the free development of science, education and the arts, and shall assist that development. It shall organize the conservation of all national monuments of history and culture. Art 53. [...] (4) Higher educational establishments shall enjoy academic autonomy.Art. 54. [...] (2) Artistic, scientific and technological creativity shall be recognized and guaranteed by the law.

    • КОНСТИТУЦИЯ на Република България

      Чл. 23. Държавата създава условия за свободно развитие на науката, образованието и изкуствата и ги подпомага. Тя се грижи за опазване на националното историческо и културно наследство. Чл. 53. [...] (4) Висшите училища се ползват с академична автономия.Чл. 54. [...] (2) Свободата на художественото, научното и техническото творчество се признава и гарантира от закона.

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