Anti-racism in the EU: People of African Descent: Recognition, Justice and Development

Organised By
Ministry of Equality, Spain / FRA / European Commission / EEA and Norway Grants
Joint event
diverse people
Racism remains a persistent problem in the EU. EU actions are driving laws and policies to tackle racial discrimination. To guide these efforts, a high-level conference on anti-racism in the EU will take place in Barcelona on 2 and 3 November 2023. It will explore what underpins structural racism in Europe, what the EU and its Member States are doing to address it, as well as how people of African descent are represented in public office and the media.

During the event, delegate will share their views and examine:

  1. Structural racism/Data collection by ethnic origin in statistics, studies and surveys.
  2. Representation of people of African descent in public office and in the media.
  3. Anti-racist laws, policies and national action plans.

The conference will bring together a wide variety of stakeholders. These include government delegates from EU and non-EU states, representatives of EU institutions, civil society organisations, international organisations, as well as anti-racism activists and experts.

Former French football player, 1998 World Cup champion, and anti-racism campaigner, Lilian Thuram, will share his views, what his foundation is doing, what remains to be done and why.

FRA will also present findings from its ‘Being Black in the EU: Experiences of People of African Descent’ report.

Day 1 of the conference is open to all participants. It aims at sharing experience and best practices covering the three event themes. It will also be livestreamed.

Day 2 is restricted to government delegates from EU Member States and representatives of Equality Bodies, National Human Rights Institutions and Ombudspersons Offices from all 27 EU Member States.

The event is organised under the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.