News Item

Anti-Muslim hatred database now updated

Sad muslim man looking out of a window
diya ©, 2023
FRA has updated its anti-Muslim hatred database. It provides an easy-to-use overview of information on hate crime, hate speech and discrimination against Muslims across the EU, Albania, Serbia and North Macedonia.

The anti-Muslim hatred database will assist countries addressing the issue through the collection of relevant data and evidence.

The database underpins efforts by FRA, and others across the EU, to gather the much-needed data that supports the development of lasting antiracism solutions. Consistent and coherent data collection across the EU, covering the experiences of all groups and communities that fall victim to various expressions of racism, forms the basis of effective policy responses.

This database provides information on international, European and national case law relating to anti-Muslim hatred. This includes the courts' reasoning, findings and considerations, as well as key facts for each case.

It covers incidents related to violence, property offences, incitement to violence or hatred, other forms of hate speech, discrimination and harassment.

In addition, the database has UN human rights body decisions, reports, and findings from human rights and equality bodies and organisations. Users can also access related research, reports, studies, data and statistics.

Policymakers and practitioners can draw on the extensive knowledge base to develop more effective responses.

Users will find it easy to use as the information is broken down by country and keyword.

Victims of anti-Muslim hatred can also use the tool to find appropriate information, support and protection. It guides users to relevant victim support services in all EU countries, Albania, Serbia and North Macedonia.

The information collected spans from January 2012 to December 2022.

The database complements FRA’s survey research and builds on related work of others, including the EU Coordinator for combating anti-Muslim hatred, UN bodies, the Council of Europe, and the online hate crime reporting system from the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).