Past events

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The FRA Director will share key insights from FRA’s body of evidence on racism and racial discrimination during a high-level conference on racial discrimination.
External event
FRA will participate in an event on the EU's new Disability Strategy organised by the Portuguese Presidency.
On 16 April, FRA will present selected results from its Fundamental Rights Survey at an online Eurostat task force meeting. The task force is responsible for implementing the EU survey on gender-based violence against women and other forms of interpersonal violence.
FRA will meet partners online from its FRANET research network to implement the second part of its project on procedural safeguards for children in criminal proceedings. The focus will be on interviewing children to capture their experiences and perspectives in criminal proceedings. FRANET partners from seven EU Member States – Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Italy, Poland and Portugal – will attend.
FRA will join panel discussions on 8 April, International Roma Day, organised by the Austrian parliamentary president.
FRA will present results from its Roma and Travellers Survey during a webinar organised by European Public Health Alliance (EPHA).
FRA will participate in the annual meeting of the Eurostat Working Group on Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics. The 5-6 May meeting brings together national statistical institutes, different European Commission Directorates-General and EU agencies.
External event
FRA will introduce its guide on preventing unlawful profiling during a webinar on 1 April. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Agencia GIZ Costa Rica are organising the webinar.
On 31 March, FRA contributes to conference discussions on the effectiveness of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) in the Western Balkans.
Joint event
On 30 March, FRA will join the European Commission’s regular dialogue with civil society and international partners on Roma inclusion, integration and equality. FRA will provide an update on developments related to its work with civil society, the Roma working party and its Roma survey.