Artikel 30 - Beskyttelse i tilfælde af ubegrundet opsigelse
Enhver arbejdstager har ret til beskyttelse mod ubegrundet opsigelse i overensstemmelse med EU-retten og national lovgivning og praksis.
Denne artikel bygger på artikel 24 i den reviderede socialpagt. Jf. ligeledes direktiv 2001/2/EF om varetagelse af arbejdstageres rettigheder i forbindelse med overførsel af virksomheder og direktiv 80/987/EØF om beskyttelse af arbejdstagerne i tilfælde af arbejdsgiverens insolvens, som ændret ved direktiv 2002/74/EF.
Part II, Chapter IV deals with the termination of the work relationship.
Part X Unfair dismissal Chapter I Right not to be unfairly dismissed Section 94 The right. (1) An employee has the right not to be unfairly dismissed by his employer.
Article 66 The state shall create opportunities for employment and work, and shall ensure the protection of both by law.
66. člen Država ustvarja možnosti za zaposlovanje in za delo ter zagotavlja njuno zakonsko varstvo.
Article 36 Employees have the right to just and satisfying working conditions. The law guarantees, above all (…) b) protection against arbitrary dismissal and discrimination at the work place (…).
Čl. 36 Zamestnanci majú právo na spravodlivé a uspokojujúce pracovné podmienky. Zákon im zabezpečuje najmä (...) b) ochranu proti svojvoľnému prepúšťaniu zo zamestnania a diskriminácii v zamestnaní. (...)
Artigo 53.º (Segurança no emprego) É garantida aos trabalhadores a segurança no emprego, sendo proibidos os despedimentos sem justa causa ou por motivos políticos ou ideológicos.
Article 53 (Job security) The right of workers to security of employment is guaranteed. Dismissals without just cause or for political or ideological reasons are prohibited.
Part V - Termination of Contracts of Service
(dans sa teneur modifiée au 11 novembre 2009)
Article 49. Every working person shall have the right to rest and leisure, as well as to annual paid leave. The length of working time shall be established by law.
49 straipsnis. Kiekvienas dirbantis žmogus turi teisę turėti poilsį ir laisvalaikį, taip pat kasmetines mokamas atostogas. Darbo laiko trukmę apibrėžia įstatymas.
Chapter 29 Protection of Employees when Terminating Employment Legal Relationships Chapter 30 Obligations of an Employer when Dismissing an Employee
An act to make provision, consequent on the conclusion of the ten-year framework social partnership agreement 2006-2015 known as “towards 2016”, for the establishment of a redundancy panel and the reference to it of certain proposed collective redundancies and for related action by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, including the obtaining from the labour court of opinions on the nature of proposed collective redundancies; (...)
Section 18 The right to work and the freedom to engage in commercial activity (...) No one shall be dismissed from employment without a lawful reason.
18 § Oikeus työhön ja elinkeinovapaus (...) Ketään ei saa ilman lakiin perustuvaa syytä erottaa työstä.
Chapter XVI - Termination of Employment Relationship deals with protection from dismissal.
7. Information about employment conditions and protection in case of dismissals Workers have the right to be informed in writing at the start of employment about their rights and obligations resulting from the employment relationship, including on probation period. Prior to any dismissal, workers have the right to be informed of the reasons and be granted a reasonable period of notice. They have the right to access to effective and impartial dispute resolution and, in case of unjustified dismissal, a right to redress, including adequate compensation.