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FRA presented its project on remote biometric identification in law enforcement and the fundamental rights implications at the annual congress of the Biometrics Institute.
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FRA gave a presentation on enhancing the role of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in asylum matters during the Academy of European Law’s (ERA) annual conference on European asylum and migration law.
On 12 October, FRA presented an overview of civic space challenges in the EU at the conference ‘Where do we stand with the European civil society strategy?’. FRA gave a preview of the findings from its civic space report.
Der jährliche Überblick der EU-Agentur für Grundrechte (FRA) über antisemitische Vorfälle zeigt erneut, dass es nach wie vor Lücken bei der Erfassung von Antisemitismus in Europa gibt. Jedes Land erhebt seine Daten weiterhin auf unterschiedliche Weise. Einige Länder sammeln weiterhin überhaupt keine Daten zu dem Thema. Dies behindert die Bemühungen um eine wirksame Bekämpfung des Hasses gegen jüdische Menschen.
FRA is aware of the recent reported increase in incidents of intolerance and racial discrimination in EU Member States. The Agency stands firmly against all expressions of intolerance and racial discrimination, including hate speech and violence.
FRA contributed to a conference hosted by the Spanish Presidency of the EU and ProtectDefenders.eu. The event focused on visas as an EU tool for providing a human rights defenders a safe haven.
FRA took part in the plenary meeting of the Council of Europe’s Committee on artificial intelligence (CAI) on 24 October in Strasbourg.
FRA took part in the Other side of the law: Enforcement of antidiscrimination legislation Equinet conference in Brussels on 12 October.
FRA took part in two Frontex working group meetings for Member States on screening rules for ETIAS, the European Travel Information and Authorisation System. FRA is a member of the ETIAS Fundamental Rights Guidance Board.
The FRA Director visited the Council of Europe from 4 to 6 October.