
Overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions and limited time outside cells in prisons violate detainees’ rights and jeopardise rehabilitation, finds a new Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) report. The findings and supporting database will help judges and lawyers assess shortcomings in prison conditions when deciding on cross-border cases.
Improve law and policies by always checking the applicability of the Charter!
Check out the EU's modern human rights catalogue and its chapters starting with Dignity.
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EUROCITIES and the Citiy of Amsterdam organised a workshop and panel debate about inclusion of Muslim communities and prevention of discrimination in cities.
Michael O'Flaherty
FRA Director, Michael O'Flaherty keynote address to the EASO Consultative Forum Plenary Meeting on the the initial steps of the asylum procedure that took place in Brussels on 12 November.
Delays and serious challenges integrating young refugees who have fled war and persecution risk creating a lost generation, finds a new Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) report. While it identifies some good practices, it urges Member States to learn from each other to give these young people an adequate chance in life.
Check out the EU's modern human rights catalogue! The Charter celebrates this year its 10th anniversary since it became legally binding!
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FRA contributed to discussions on EU data protection law, migrants’ health data and fundamental rights considerations during a workshop focusing on data protection and legal issues.
Michael O'Flaherty
Marking 10 years of the EU's Fundamental Rights Charter, FRA Director, Michael O'Flaherty delivered a keynote speech on 'The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights – a living instrument at the national level?' on 10 November in Brussels at the joint FRA, European Commission and Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU conference, 'Making the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights a reality for all: 10th anniversary of the Charter becoming legally binding'.
Press Release
On 1 December 2019, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights will celebrate its 10th anniversary since it became legally binding, with the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty on 1 December 2009. To mark this anniversary, the European Commission, together with the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), is holding a conference tomorrow, with the aim of looking at how to improve the use and awareness of the Charter to bringing it to life for citizens in the EU.
This video, shot at the recent Human Rights Communicators' Network Workshop, highlights many comments from the inspirational discussions on how elements of FRA's 10 keys to effectively communicate human rights can influence our day-to-day work.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty speaks about the alarming increase of antisemitism in Europe and how to combat it.
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The 2018 edition of the handbook on European non-discrimination law examines law stemming from the complementary systems of the EU non-discrimination directives and the European Convention on Human Rights, drawing on them interchangeably to the extent that they overlap, while highlighting differences where these exist.
Talk by Sarah Wishart of Rights Info at the Human Rights Communicators' Workshop held at FRA on 3-4 October 2019.
Talk by Szczepan Orlowski of Animorph at the Human Rights Communicators' Workshop held at FRA on 3-4 October 2019.
In this edition Michael O'Flaherty reports back from his visit to the asylum seeker facility in Lesbos and calls for the support of all EU Member States to improve in particular the situation of unaccompanied children.
Michael O'Flaherty
FRA's Director Michael O'Flaherty's keynote speech on the interaction between democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights for the opening session of conference on 10 September in Helsinki organised by the Finnish Presidency of the EU.
Michael O’Flaherty
FRA Director, Michael O'Flaherty delivers keynote speech in Paris on 17 October on fundamental rights-based policing during the opening of the 5th IPCAN seminar, ‘Relations of the police and population: challenges and practices’.
Talk by Flavia Kleiner of Operation Libero to the Human Rights Communicators' Workshop held at FRA on 3-4 October 2019.
FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty gave the opening talk at the Human Rights Communicators' Workshop held at the Agency on 3-4 October 2019.