
A delegation of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Equality and Non-Discrimination Committee, and member of the ‘No Hate Parliamentary Alliance’, will visit FRA on 8 May.
On 26 April, FRA joined a webinar on the role of local governments policies based in human rights.
FRA’s Director will participate in the 18th European Union – African Union Human Rights Dialogue on 4 May in Brussels.
FRA delivered fundamental rights training at the Frontex organised EES (Entry-Exit System) training event for border guards.
FRA, together with the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), facilitated a workshop on hate crime recording and data collection.
FRA will take part in EIGE's gender statistics database expert meeting.
FRA will host its FRANET Meeting on 3 May. FRANET is the Agency’s multidisciplinary research network.
FRA joined the 5th plenary meeting of the Council of Europe’s Committee on artificial intelligence (AI) as part of the EU Delegation.
FRA joined the conference on safeguarding older people’s legal and human rights through active citizenship and inter-generational approach on 24 April in Vienna.
FRA took part in a network meeting of EU Agencies Heads of Communication and Information.
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FRA took part in the first face-to-face meeting of the ‘futures cluster’ of the EU Agencies Network on Scientific Advice (EU-ANSA).
FRA took part in a network meeting of EU Agencies Heads of Communication and Information.
FRA received a visit from Claudia Mahler, the UN Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older people.
On 27 April, FRA will give an online lecture on the Agency’s work on child rights within the EU context.
FRA will present its Framework for Human Rights Cities to staff of Polish cities in a webinar organised by the Polish Association of Municipalities.
On 26 April, a delegation from the MCI The Entrepreneurial School from Innsbruck will visit FRA.
On 25 April, FRA will hold one of its monthly webinars for civil society organisations participating in the Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP).
FRA will speak during a roundtable event on human rights and the environment in international development financing.
On 12 April, the FRA Director delivered a speech setting the scene for a high-level event on LGBTIQ Equality.
A high-level conference on institutional protection of fundamental rights in times of crises will take place in Lund from 20 to 21 April. It will provide a forum to discuss how structures to protect fundamental rights in the European Union can be made more robust and resilient in times of crises. The event aims to explore what can we learn from crises, past and present, and how can we best move forward. The event will be live streamed.