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The key objective of the data hub is to provide national and local policymakers with solid knowledge about ethnic minority groups and people with immigrant backgrounds. The data hub is one of the 50 actions in the Norwegian government’s action plan against racism and discrimination based on ethnicity and religion (2020–2023).
This data hub is built using the same online format and work method as the previous data hubs on disability and sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics (previously presented in separate documents to the Subgroup on Equality Data). Information related to ethnicity or religion is not collected in Norway’s administrative data and is rarely recorded in research projects. Owing to a lack of information, this data hub primarily uses statistical sources in which individuals’ immigration background is reported. In addition, the data hub refers to research on the health and living conditions of Sámi in Norway. Although there was going to be a seminar to launch this data hub in April 2020, implementation of this halted because of COVID-19. Instead, the data hub was promoted through short films on equality and discrimination, which were shared through the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs’ social media channels, and through Google AdWords.
This practice should be transferable to other countries. /