Past events

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767 Events found

FRA’s Director will participate in the high-level online conference ‘For a people-centred e-justice’. The Portuguese Presidency of the Council of Europe hosts the event on 26 and 27 April.
FRA will take part in the Council of Europe’s discussions on the central role National Human Rights Institutions play in promoting and protecting human rights in Europe.
On 21 April, the Association of Polish cities will host a virtual event for mayors and vice-mayors.
On 21 April, the FRA Director will have a virtual meeting with Europol’s Executive Director, Catherine De Bolle.
External event
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) will host a remote public hearing on 21 April on the views and expectations for the future of Roma communities following the new EU Roma framework.
FRA will present the results of its LGBTI II survey during an international webinar on LGBT+ hate crime. The focus will be on the prevalence of hate motivated harassment and violent attacks against LGBTI people.
External event
Eurostat’s survey task force on gender-based violence against women will meet on 20 to 21 April.
FRA will take part in a European Economic Social Committee (EESC) hearing on 20 April.
External event
FRA will take part in a online expert consultation on 20 April on countering hate speech. The KAICIID Dialogue Centre, in cooperation with the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and the European Council of Religious Leaders/ Religions for Peace- Europe are organising the event.
The FRA Director will share key insights from FRA’s body of evidence on racism and racial discrimination during a high-level conference on racial discrimination.