FRA gave an overview of the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU relating to access to classified data in immigration cases. It highlighted the applicable fundamental rights safeguards stemming from the right to an effective judicial remedy and the right to good administration.
The European Council on Refugees and Exiles and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee organised the event. It took place online on 16 September.
It was part of the Right to know project, funded by the European Programme on Integration and Migration, coordinated by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, in collaboration with the Polish Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Poland) and Kisa (Cyprus).
Migration and asylum lawyers, judges from Central European countries, representatives of international organisations and NGOs as well as academics attended the event.
As a follow-up, next to the background comparative report, the organisers will publish a legal note. The note will summarise EU and international legal standards applicable to the disclosure of classified information in asylum and return procedures based on national security grounds on which FRA will also be consulted.