At its session on 7-8 December 2021, the Council of the European Union adopted its Decision establishing a Multi-annual Framework for the Agency for 2018-2022. The Framework entered into force on 1 January 2018 and included the following thematic areas:
With the coming into force of FRA's amended Founding Regulation on 27 April 2022, the Multi-annual Framework 2018-2022 ceased to apply to the Agency's work.
The Justice and Home Affairs Council of the European Union adopted the Agency’s Multi-annual Framework for 2013-2017 on 11 March 2013. The Council's Decision stated that the Agency would work in the following areas:
The Multi-annual Framework 2013-2017 expired on 31 December 2017 and was replaced by the Multi-annual Framework 2018-2022.
The Justice and Home Affairs Council of the European Union adopted FRA's Multi-annual Framework 2007-2012 on 28 February 2008. The Council's Decision stated that the Agency would work in the following areas:
The Multi-annual Framework 2007-2012 expired on 31 December 2012 and was replaced by the Multi-annual Framework 2013-2017.