
On 17 September, FRA took part in a virtual meeting of EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies on methodologies for drafting annual reports. The EU Asylum Agency (EUAA) organised the meeting.
In einem neuen Leitfaden der Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) wird vorgeschlagen, wie die EU-Länder unabhängige nationale Mechanismen zur Überwachung der Einhaltung der Grundrechte beim Screening und in Asylverfahren an den Grenzen einrichten sollten.
Sirpa Rautio
FRA Director Sirpa Rautio delivers her opening speech during ENOC's 28th Annual Conference and General Assembly meeting. The meeting in Helsinki runs from 18 to 20 September 2024. ENOC is the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children, a not-for-profit association of independent children’s rights institutions.
FRA will present its work relevant to the judiciary during the regular annual meeting of the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) working group on Human Rights.
FRA will present its project 'Digitalisation of justice: fundamental rights guidance' at a meeting of the Council's of the European Union’s e-justice Working Party.
Over 60 key actors working on civic space monitoring, promotion and protection in Europe will come together at FRA to discuss civic space monitoring. From 16 to 18 September, they will discuss the overall landscape and who is doing what with respect to monitoring.
On 15 September, FRA will give a presentation to a group of young Austrian volunteers from the Austrian Service Abroad. The focus of their preparation before leaving the country is based on Holocaust remembrance, supporting people in need and safeguarding peace.
On 12 September, colleagues from the Registrar European Court of Human Rights will give an online presentation to FRA staff on its European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) Knowledge Sharing Platform.
FRA will present key findings from its Fundamental Rights Report 2024 on 12 September. During the online meeting, FRA will present the key issues and challenges of fundamental rights with regards to migration, cost of living crisis, threats to democracy and civil space, and the use of the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter at the national level.
On 11 September, FRA experts will exchange views with Human Dimension experts from the EU Delegation to the International Organisations in Vienna and EU Member States Permanent Representations to the OSCE.
In preparation for the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2025, FRA’s Director will go to Warsaw from 9 to 10 September. She will meet Polish Ministers of Justice and EU Affairs. She will meet representatives of the Polish government to discuss FRA’s possible cooperation with the upcoming Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2025.
FRA’s Director met Vienna Vice-Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr, responsible for Education, Youth, Integration and Transparency on 6 September. The meeting was at the invitation of the Vienna Human Rights Commissioner, Shams Asadi.
FRA released Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Lithuanian, Portuguese and Swedish versions of its Fundamental Rights Charter trainers’ manual. This completes the set of 22 EU languages.
FRA took part in a workshop on 5 August in Dornbirn on the newly-established and first human rights square in Vorarlberg. The square will be officially opened on 10 December.
Wanderarbeitnehmerinnen und -nehmer in der EU sind häufig mit der Ausbeutung ihrer Arbeitskraft und Missbrauch konfrontiert. In den neuen Leitlinien der Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) werden sechs Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, wie Arbeitsaufsichtsbeamte die Rechte von Wanderarbeitnehmerinnen und -nehmern besser schützen und ihnen bei der Geltendmachung ihrer Rechte helfen können. In diesem Herbst wird die Agentur ein praktisches Handbuch mit Tipps, Beispielen und Übungen zur weiteren Unterstützung der Arbeitsaufsichtsbeamten herausgeben.
FRA attended online Roma workshops organised by the UN Development Programme and the World Bank. They were part of the EU-funded project Multi-country Survey on the socio-economic vulnerabilities of Roma in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.
Between 18 and 20 June, FRA contributed to training on the Entry Exit System (EES). The system will register biometric data of non-EU nationals travelling to the EU as of October 2024.
Versäumnisse bei der Rettung und Unterstützung von Migranten in Not, Misshandlung und Missbrauch sind nur einige der schwerwiegenden und lebensbedrohlichen Menschenrechtsverletzungen an den Land- und Seeaußengrenzen der EU, die nicht ordnungsgemäß untersucht werden. Der jüngste Bericht der EU-Agentur für Grundrechte (FRA) zeigt systemische Lücken und Hindernisse bei der Untersuchung solcher Verstöße auf. Das Migrations- und Asylpaket bietet die Möglichkeit, diese Probleme anzugehen. In dem Bericht werden konkrete Schritte vorgeschlagen, um sicherzustellen, dass Vorfälle mit tödlichem Ausgang und Misshandlung an den EU-Grenzen wirksam untersucht werden.
Sirpa Rautio
FRA Director Sirpa Rautio addresses EU Justice Ministers during the EU's Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting on 23 July 2024 in Budapest. The Director focused on AI and its use in the digitalisation of justice.
FRA took part in the 10th EU human rights dialogue with Indonesia hosted by the EU External Action Service (EEAS). FRA’s joined the EU delegation at the request of new EU Special Representative on Human Rights, Olof Skoog.