
Menschen mit Behinderungen


  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Ahead of the EU elections, this report explores the political participation of people with disabilities. Although some Member States removed restrictions on the right to vote and to stand for elections, barriers still exist. This report is an update of new developments following FRA’s last report published in 2014. It sets out ways forward to ensure people with disabilities have equal opportunities, in line with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  • Handbook / Guide / Manual
    This guide helps independent national monitoring frameworks to fulfil their monitoring responsibility set out in Article 33 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It focuses on the use of indicators. It does not deal with aspects such as compliance with the Paris Principles or the efficiency of complaints mechanisms. Its objective is to support national monitoring frameworks in designing or improving indicators for assessing progress of CRPD implementation at national level.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities commits both the EU and all of its Member States to realising the right of persons with disabilities to live independently in the community – which includes achieving deinstitutionalisation for those residing in institutional settings. But much remains to be done to make this a reality in practice. This report presents the main insights gained during fieldwork on the drivers of and barriers to deinstitutionalisation. Focusing on the local level, it gives voice to a diverse set of actors – most importantly, to people with disabilities themselves.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Children with disabilities face significant barriers to enjoying their fundamental rights. They are often excluded from society, sometimes living in facilities far from their families. They are also denied access to basic services, such as health care and education, and endure stigma and discrimination, as well as sexual, physical and psychological violence. FRA scrutinised the important but underreported issue of violence against children with disabilities, carrying out desk research and conducting interviews with knowledgeable stakeholders. This report presents the results of that research.
Report / Paper / Summary
Discussions are under way at the European Union (EU) and national levels about how best to realise the transition from institutional to community-based support. This report contributes to these by bringing together some of the key issues that have emerged from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights’ (FRA) human rights indicators on Member States’ political and practical commitment to deinstitutionalisation.
Report / Paper / Summary
This report assesses to what extent Member States have implemented the right to independent living, focusing on the effect commitments and funds are having on persons with disabilities’ daily lives. Taken together, the reports provide important insights that can support ongoing processes of change.
Auf europäischer und nationaler Ebene wurden 2016 vielfältige Anstrengungen unternommen, um den Schutz der Grundrechte zu stärken. Gleichzeitig drohten einige politische Maßnahmen, diesen Schutz zu untergraben.
Diverse efforts at both EU and national levels sought to bolster fundamental rights protection in 2016, while some measures threatened to undermine such protection.
Das Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen (UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention) ist das erste verbindliche internationale Menschenrechtsinstrument, das speziell den Bereich Behinderung behandelt. Zweck dieses Übereinkommens ist es, „den vollen und gleichberechtigten Genuss aller Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten durch alle Menschen mit Behinderungen zu fördern, zu schützen und zu gewährleisten und die Achtung der ihnen innewohnenden Würde zu fördern“.
The European Union (EU) and its Member States introduced and pursued numerous initiatives to safeguard and strengthen
fundamental rights in 2015. Some of these efforts produced important progress; others fell short of their aims. Meanwhile,
various global developments brought new – and exacerbated existing – challenges.
Im Jahr 2015 haben die Europäische Union (EU) und ihre Mitgliedstaaten
zahlreiche Maßnahmen für die Wahrung und Stärkung der Grundrechte
ergriffen und durchgeführt. Der von der FRA vorgelegte Grundrechte-
Bericht 2016 bietet eine Zusammenfassung und Analyse der wichtigsten
einschlägigen Entwicklungen, wobei sowohl die erzielten Fortschritte als
auch die nach wie vor bestehenden Hindernisse beleuchtet werden. Darüber
hinaus äußert sich die FRA in dieser Veröffentlichung zu den wichtigsten
Entwicklungen in den genannten Themenbereichen und gibt einen
Überblick über die ihren Stellungnahmen zugrunde liegenden Evidenzdaten.
Insgesamt bietet diese Veröffentlichung einen knappen, aber informativen
Überblick über die größten Herausforderungen, mit denen die EU und ihre
Mitgliedstaaten im Bereich der Grundrechte konfrontiert sind.
This opinion addresses the designation and operation of a framework established under Article 33 (2) of the CRPD at EU level (EU Framework). It aims to clarify the requirements of an EU Framework in light of the monitoring practice and jurisprudence of the CRPD Committee and – with regard to the concept of independence –the Committee interpreting the Paris Principles on the establishment of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs).
This book will tell you about violence and children with disabilities. It looks at violence, where it happens, and why people are violent.
Kinder mit Behinderungen stehen bei der Wahrnehmung
ihrer Grundrechte vor erheblichen Hindernissen.
Sie sind häufig von der Gesellschaft ausgegrenzt und
leben teilweise getrennt von ihren Familien in Heimen
oder anderen Einrichtungen. Kindern mit Behinderungen
wird der Zugang zu Grundversorgung im Gesundheitswesen
und bei der Bildung verweigert und sie
sind Stigmatisierung und Diskriminierung sowie sexueller,
körperlicher und psychischer Gewalt ausgesetzt.
Children with disabilities face significant barriers to enjoying their fundamental rights. They are often excluded from society, sometimes living in facilities far from their families. They are also denied access to basic services, such as health care and education, and endure stigma and discrimination, as well as sexual, physical and psychological violence. FRA scrutinised the important but underreported issue of violence against children with disabilities, carrying out desk research and conducting interviews with knowledgeable stakeholders. This report presents the results of that research.
Im Jahr 2014 stellten die Mitgliedstaaten und Institutionen der Europäische Union (EU) eine Reihe von rechtlichen und politischen
Maßnahmen vor, um die Grundrechte in der EU zu gewährleisten. Trotz dieser Bemühungen bleibt immer noch viel
zu tun. In einigen Bereichen ist die Situation beunruhigend: die Zahl der MigrantInnen, die gerettet oder auf See festgenommen
wurden, als sie die Grenzen der EU versuchten zu erreichen, vervierfachte sich seit 2013; mehr als ein Viertel der Kinder
in der EU sind von Armut oder sozialer Ausgrenzung bedroht; immer mehr politische Parteien verwenden fremdenfeindliche
und gegen MigrantInnen gerichtete Rhetorik in ihren Kampagnen, was dazu führen kann, dass mehr Personen anfälliger
werden, Opfer von Straftaten oder Hassverbrechen zu werden.
Europe and the world celebrated the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 2014. Despite considerable progress in those 25 years, some old challenges remain and new ones have arisen. The latest data show that 27.6 % of children in Europe – more than 26 million – are at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Many families with children have difficulties paying for their rent or mortgage, heating, school materials and even food. The legal protection of child victims of violence or sexual abuse and children without parental care was significantly reinforced and relevant policies were developed.
To strengthen the European Union’s evidence base on fundamental rights helps to identify how these rights are respected and promoted, not only ‘on paper’ but ‘on the ground’. Fundamental rights are part of the founding values of the European Union (EU) that are minimum standards to which the EU’s institutions and Member States are held accountable and which they should respect and promote. Mainstreaming fundamental rights can help turning words into action, especially if linked to relevant indicators.
A new Focus paper by the EU Agency of Fundamental Rights (FRA) outlines how Member States across the EU have reformed their laws and policies to meet their obligations under the CRPD. By bringing together examples of such reforms, it also highlights how the adoption of international commitments can drive wide-ranging processes of change at the national level.
Developments in equality and non-discrimination in 2014 were marked by the EU’s efforts to become more inclusive. Working actively to counter discrimination in all its forms and to foster equal treatment requires sustained efforts by all interested parties, so EU institutions worked closely with Member States and FRA to raise awareness on issues of discrimination, including on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, or to encourage recourse to redress mechanisms.
This paper discusses the difficulties faced by people with disabilities who become victims of hate crime, and the different legal frameworks in place to protect such victims in the EU’s Member States. It ends by listing a number of suggestions for improving the situation at both the legislative and policy levels.
FRA has developed a family of five infographics to help raise awareness of the voting rights of people with disabilities.
FRA has developed a family of five infographics to help raise awareness of the voting rights of people with disabilities.
FRA has developed a family of five infographics to help raise awareness of the voting rights of people with disabilities.