Past events

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FRA will join Europe Day events in Vienna and worldwide on 7 and 9 May 2020.
The FRA Director will address the European Parliament’s Committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on 2 April.
On 16 March, FRA will be a panellist at an event on internal and external rule of law challenges for the European Union.
FRA will give a presentation on the agency's work to develop human rights indicators at a seminar in Helsinki.
FRA will take part in the closing conference of the OSCE's Effective Criminal Justice Strategies and Practices to Combat Gender-based Violence in Eastern Europe project.
FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty will visit the Council of Europe on 4 March in Strasbourg.
FRA will join the Council of Europe’s steering committee for human rights (CDDH) meeting.
FRA will form part of a panel discussion on international treaties and definitions related to rights and AI challenges during a workshop in Barcelona from 2 to 3 March.
FRA, in cooperation with its Hungarian National Liaison Officer, will launch the Hungarian translation of its handbook on European data protection law.
FRA findings show that the Charter is not yet used to its full potential.