Promising Practice

Data hub on discrimination data

The Finnish Ministry of Justice has set up and is further developing a data hub on equality and discrimination. Recent research results, studies and statistics on discrimination in Finnish society are displayed on a website and structured according to grounds of discrimination/population group and areas of life covered.
Institutional and structural guidelines
Build up data hub
Facilitate effective use
Ground of discrimination
Gender identity or expression
Racial or ethnic origin
Religion or belief
Sexual orientation
All grounds / Cross-cutting
Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination

Promising practice :


In this page:

Why was the practice needed?

There is ample data on discrimination and equality in Finland, but the data is scattered across different databases and websites.

Therefore, the Finnish Ministry of Justice, as coordinator of the national discrimination monitoring system, decided to collect available data on equality issues. They would be displayed on a dedicated webpage, a data hub, with the aim of supporting evidence-based policy-making nationally. They would also facilitate the use of equality data for analysis and advocacy purposes.

How was it implemented?

The decisions on the structure of the website and the indicator areas were made based on consultation with the discrimination monitoring group, which is a large horizontal expert group on equality data in Finland (see related practice also in this compendium). This was done to ensure that the data on display corresponds to the needs of different stakeholders. In addition, the project has been subject to continuous internal evaluation, e.g. through stakeholder workshops, to identify further needs.

The preparation phase of the practice included identification of five indicator areas covering a range of issues related to equality and non-discrimination:

  • Attitudes towards minority groups;
  • Experiences and perception of discrimination / victimisation surveys;
  • Reported discrimination and judicial sentences;
  • Hate crime and hate speech;
  • Promotion of equality.

In the first phase, researchers prepared a report with data on these indicator areas in order to develop the baseline for the data hub. The data from this report was then structured and published under these areas. Newly-published statistics and research results will be updated on the website regularly.

The discrimination grounds under review are those that are listed in national anti-discrimination legislation. These are: age; origin; nationality; language; religion; belief; opinion; political activity; trade union activity; family circumstances; health; disability; sexual orientation or other personal characteristics.


  • A dedicated website in three languages, Finnish, Swedish, English. The website contains concise articles on the outcome of relevant research, with links to the original sources. The aim is to develop graphic solutions of especially those few data sources which regularly collect data.

Key success factors

  • Consultations with members of the national discrimination monitoring system were key in selecting the data
  • The successful maintenance of a website requires a combination of expertise in substance, communications and IT-technology.
  • A further requirement for success is a communication plan on dissemination of updates through social media.

Technical information

  • Data sources covered: Census; Administrative data; Household or individual surveys; Victimisation surveys; Attitudinal surveys; Complaints data; Discrimination testing; Diversity monitoring; Qualitative research.
  • Areas of life covered: Employment; Education; Health; Social Protection; Housing and living conditions; Access to good and services; Hate crime.
  • Target audience: Policymakers, experts in the field of non-discrimination, media, general population
  • Duration: Since 2018
  • Geographical scope: National
  • Leading institution: Ministry of Justice
  • Other organisations involved/consulted: Non-Discrimination Ombudsman
  • Financial & human resources: Budget: No information provided; Source of the budget: State budget; Staff: 0.1 Full Time Equivalent (FTE)


Ministry of Justice/ Oikeusministeriö

Email: Yhdenvertaisuus (dot) om (at) om (dot) fi