Workshop on fundamental rights data collection to support Albanian authorities

Joint event
On 19 April, a workshop on fundamental rights data collection will take place at FRA. The objective is to provide expertise to Albanian authorities in developing fundamental rights data collection methodologies.

This will support Albania’s path of accession to the EU. Albania is an EU candidate country and observer to the work of FRA.

The Albanian delegation will be led by the Deputy Minister of Interior. Experts from different Ministries, national human rights institutions, and national statistical office will also attend.

The workshop will focus on fundamental rights data collection and use of equality data to help monitor the level of implementation of human rights related EU legislation, policies and strategies. It will also look at the intersectional approach to data and disaggregation, including gender, violence against women, law enforcement, Roma, children’s rights and civic space.

The European Integration Unit of the Albanian Ministry of Justice organised the visit.  The European Union for Law Enforcement in Albania(link is external) project (EU4LEA) funded and supported the delegation’s visit. (link is external)