Case Law Database

Here you can find case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) with direct references to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, as well as a selection of national case law with direct references to the Charter from all EU Member States.

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231 case law references found

  • Subtitle:
    Oscar Orlando Arango Jaramillo and Others v European Investment Bank
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Opinion of Advocate General
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    Ministerul Public - Parchetul de pe lângă Curtea de Apel Constanţa v Ciprian Vasile Radu
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Opinion of Advocate General
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    Bundesrepublik Deutschland v Y and Z
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    European Court of Justice (Grand Chamber)
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    Hristo Byankov v Glaven sekretar na Ministerstvo na vatreshnite raboti
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Opinion of Advocate general
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    Sky Österreich GmbH v Österreichischer Rundfunk
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Opinion of Advocate General
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    Asociación Nacional de Establecimientos Financieros de Crédito (ASNEF), Federación de Comercio Electrónico y Marketing Directo (FECEMD) v Administración del Estado
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    European Court of Justice (Third Chamber)
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    Aldo Patricello
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    European Court of Justice (Grand Chamber)
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    DEB Deutsche Energiehandels- und Beratungsgesellschaft mbH v Bundesrepublik Deutschland
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Court (Second Chamber)
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    Volker und Markus Schecke GbR, and Hartmut Eifert v Land Hessen
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    European Court of Justice
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area:
  • Subtitle:
    J. McB v L.E.
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    European Court of Justice
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
    Decision date:
    Policy area: