EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Article 42 - Right of access to documents
Any citizen of the Union, and any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State, has a right of access to documents of the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, whatever their medium.
Explanations(active tab)
Case Law References
National Constitutional Law
EU Law
International Law
- Text:
The right guaranteed in this Article has been taken over from Article 255 of the EC Treaty, on the basis of which Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 has subsequently been adopted. The European Convention has extended this right to documents of institutions, bodies and agencies generally, regardless of their form (see Article 15(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union). In accordance with Article 52(2) of the Charter, the right of access to documents is exercised under the conditions and within the limits for which provision is made in Article 15(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Source:Official Journal of the European Union C 303/17 - 14.12.2007Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:These explanations were originally prepared under the authority of the Praesidium of the Convention which drafted the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Although they do not as such have the status of law, they are a valuable tool of interpretation intended to clarify the provisions of the Charter.
Case Law References
- Public.Resource.Org, Inc. and Right to Know CLG v European CommissionDecision date:Deciding body type:Court of Justice of the European UnionDeciding body:Type:DecisionPolicy area:Justice, freedom and securityECLI (European case law identifier):ECLI:EU:C:2024:201
- Emilio De Capitani v Council of the European UnionDecision date:Deciding body type:Court of Justice of the European UnionDeciding body:General Court (Tenth Chamber, Extended Composition)Type:DecisionPolicy area:ECLI (European case law identifier):ECLI:EU:T:2023:15
- Mgr. L. H. v Ministry of HealthDecision date:Deciding body type:National Court/TribunalDeciding body:Supreme Administrative CourtType:DecisionPolicy area:Public HealthECLI (European case law identifier):
- Päivi Leino-Sandberg v European ParliamentDecision date:Deciding body type:Court of Justice of the European UnionDeciding body:Court (fifth Chamber)Type:DecisionPolicy area:Institutional affairsECLI (European case law identifier):ECLI:EU:C:2021:52
- Izba Gospodarcza Producentów i Operatorów Urządzeń Rozrywkowych v European CommissionDecision date:Deciding body type:Court of Justice of the European UnionDeciding body:Court (Fifth Chamber)Type:DecisionPolicy area:ECLI (European case law identifier):ECLI:EU:C:2020:330
- PTC Therapeutics International Ltd v European Medicines AgencyDecision date:Deciding body type:Court of Justice of the European UnionDeciding body:Court (Fourth Chamber)Type:DecisionPolicy area:ECLI (European case law identifier):ECLI:EU:C:2020:23
- MSD Animal Health Innovation GmbH and Intervet International BV v European Medicines Agency.Decision date:Deciding body type:Court of Justice of the European UnionDeciding body:Court (Fourth Chamber)Type:DecisionPolicy area:ECLI (European case law identifier):ECLI:EU:C:2020:24
- ClientEarth v European CommissionDecision date:Deciding body type:Court of Justice of the European UnionDeciding body:Court (Grand Chamber)Type:DecisionPolicy area:ECLI (European case law identifier):ECLI:EU:C:2018:660
- ClientEarth v European Commission.Decision date:Deciding body type:Court of Justice of the European UnionDeciding body:Advocate GeneralType:Policy area:Institutional affairsECLI (European case law identifier):ECLI:EU:C:2017:909
- Magyar Helsinki Bizottság v. HungaryDecision date:Deciding body type:European Court of Human RightsDeciding body:Court (Grand Chamber)Type:DecisionPolicy area:Justice, freedom and securityECLI (European case law identifier):ECLI:CE:ECHR:2016:1108JUD001803011
National Constitutional Law
27 results found
- Grondwet voor het Koninkrijk der NederlandenCountry:Netherlands
Artitel 68 De ministers en de staatssecretarissen geven de kamers elk afzonderlijk en in verenigde vergadering mondeling of schriftelijk de door een of meer leden verlangde inlichtingen waarvan het verstrekken niet in strijd is met het belang van de staat. ; Artikel 110 De overheid betracht bij de uitvoering van haar taak openbaarheid volgens regels bij de wet te stellen.
- The Freedom of the Press ActCountry:Sweden
Chapter 1 - On the freedom of press: Article 1 The freedom of the press is understood to mean the right of every Swedish citizen to publish written matter, without prior hindrance by a public authority or other public body, and not to be prosecuted thereafter on grounds of its content other than before a lawful court, or punished therefore other than because the content contravenes an express provision of law, enacted to preserve public order without suppressing information to the public. In accordance with the principles set out in paragraph one concerning freedom of the press for all, and to secure the free exchange of opinion and availability of comprehensive information, every Swedish citizen shall be free, subject to the rules contained in this Act for the protection of private rights and public safety, to express his or her thoughts and opinions in print, to publish official documents and to communicate information and intelligence on any subject whatsoever. All persons shall likewise be free, unless otherwise provided in this Act, to communicate information and intelligence on any subject whatsoever, for the purpose of publication in print, to an author or other person who may be deemed to be the originator of material contained in such printed matter, the editor or special editorial office, if any, of the printed matter, or an enterprise which professionally provides news or other information to periodical publications. All persons shall furthermore have the right, unless otherwise provided in this Act, to procure
information and intelligence on any subject whatsoever, for the purpose of publication in print, or in order to communicate information under the preceding paragraph. - Tryckfrihetsförordning (1949:105)Country:Sweden
1 kapitlet - Om tryckfrihet: 1 § Med tryckfrihet förstås varje svensk medborgares rätt att, utan några av myndighet eller annat allmänt organ i förväg lagda hinder, utgiva skrifter, att sedermera endast inför laglig domstol kunna tilltalas för deras innehåll, och att icke i annat fall kunna straffas därför, än om detta innehåll strider mot tydlig lag, given att bevara allmänt lugn, utan att återhålla allmän upplysning. I överensstämmelse med de i första stycket angivna grunderna för en allmän tryckfrihet och till säkerställande av ett fritt meningsutbyte och en allsidig upplysning skall det stå varje svensk medborgare fritt att, med iakttagande av de bestämmelser som äro i denna förordning meddelade till skydd för enskild rätt och allmän säkerhet, i tryckt skrift yttra sina tankar och åsikter, offentliggöra allmänna handlingar samt meddela uppgifter och underrättelser i vad ämne som helst. Det skall ock stå envar fritt att, i alla de fall då ej annat är i denna förordning föreskrivet, meddela uppgifter och underrättelser i vad ämne som helst för offentliggörande i tryckt skrift till författare eller annan som är att anse som upphovsman till framställning i skriften, till skriftens utgivare eller, om för skriften finnes särskild redaktion, till denna eller till företag för yrkesmässig förmedling av nyheter eller andra meddelanden till periodiska skrifter. Vidare skall envar äga rätt att, om ej annat följer av denna förordning, anskaffa uppgifter och underrättelser i vad ämne som helst för att offentliggöra dem i tryckt skrift eller för att lämna meddelande som avses i föregående stycke. Lag (1976:955).
- Constitution of the Republic of SloveniaCountry:Slovenia
Article 39 (Freedom of Expression) Freedom of expression of thought, freedom of speech and public appearance, freedom of the press, and other forms of public communication and expression shall be guaranteed. Everyone may freely collect, receive, and disseminate information and opinions. Except in such cases as are provided by law, everyone has the right to obtain information of a public nature in which he has a well founded legal interest under law.
- Ustava Republike SlovenijeCountry:Slovenia
39. člen (svoboda izražanja) Zagotovljena je svoboda izražanja misli, govora in javnega nastopanja, tiska in drugih oblik javnega obveščanja in izražanja. Vsakdo lahko svobodno zbira, sprejema in širi vesti in mnenja.
Vsakdo ima pravico dobiti informacijo javnega značaja, za katero ima v zakonu utemeljen pravni interes, razen v primerih, ki jih določa zakon. - Constitution of the Slovak RepublicCountry:Slovakia
Article 26 (1) The freedom of speech and the right to information are guaranteed. (...) (4) The freedom of speech and the right to seek out and disseminate information may be restricted by law, if such a measure is necessary in a democratic society to protect the rights and freedoms of others, the State security, public order, or public health and morals. (5) Public authority bodies are obliged to provide information on their activities in an appropriate manner and in the state language. The conditions and the manner of execution shall be laid down by law.
- Ústava Slovenskej republikyCountry:Slovakia
Čl. 26 (1) Sloboda prejavu a právo na informácie sú zaručené. (...) (4) Slobodu prejavu a právo vyhľadávať a šíriť informácie možno obmedziť zákonom, ak ide o opatrenia v demokratickej spoločnosti nevyhnutné na ochranu práv a slobôd iných, bezpečnosť štátu, verejného poriadku, ochranu verejného zdravia a mravnosti. (5) Orgány verejnej moci majú povinnosť primeraným spôsobom poskytovať informácie o svojej činnosti v štátnom jazyku. Podmienky a spôsob vykonania ustanoví zákon.
- Constituição da República PortuguesaCountry:Portugal
Artigo 268.º (Direitos e garantias dos administrados) 1. Os cidadãos têm o direito de ser informados pela Administração, sempre que o requeiram, sobre o andamento dos processos em que sejam directamente interessados, bem como o de conhecer as resoluções definitivas que sobre eles forem tomadas. 2. Os cidadãos têm também o direito de acesso aos arquivos e registos administrativos, sem prejuízo do disposto na lei em matérias relativas à segurança interna e externa, à investigação criminal e à intimidade das pessoas. Artigo 35.º (Utilização da informática) 1. Todos os cidadãos têm o direito de acesso aos dados informatizados que lhes digam respeito, podendo exigir a sua rectificação e actualização, e o direito de conhecer a finalidade a que se destinam, nos termos da lei. Artigo 48.º (Participação na vida pública) 2. Todos os cidadãos têm o direito de ser esclarecidos objectivamente sobre actos do Estado e demais entidades públicas e de ser informados pelo Governo e outras autoridades acerca da gestão dos assuntos públicos.
- Constitution of the Portuguese RepublicCountry:Portugal
Article 268 (Citizens’ rights and guarantees) (1) Citizens have the right to be informed by the Administration, whenever they so request, as to the progress of the procedures and cases in which they are directly interested, together with the right to be made aware of the definitive decisions that are taken in relation to them. (2) Without prejudice to the law governing matters concerning internal and external security, criminal investigation and personal privacy, citizens also have the right of access to administrative files and records. Article 35 (Use of information technology) (1) Every citizen has the right of access to all computerised data that concern him, which he may require to be corrected and updated, and the right to be informed of the purpose for which they are intended, as laid down by law. Article 48 (participation in public life) (2) Every citizen has the right to objective information about the activities of the State and other public bodies and to be informed by the Government and other authorities about the management of public affairs.
- Constitution of the Republic of PolandCountry:Poland
Article 61.1. A citizen shall have the right to obtain information on the activities of organs of public authority as well as persons discharging public functions. Such right shall also include receipt of information on the activities of self-governing economic or professional organs and other persons or organizational units relating to the field in which they perform the duties of public authorities and manage communal assets or property of the State Treasury. 2. The right to obtain information shall ensure access to documents and entry to sittings of collective organs of public authority formed by universal elections, with the opportunity to make sound and visual recordings.3. Limitations upon the rights referred to in paras. 1 and 2 above, may be imposed by statute solely to protect freedoms and rights of other persons and economic subjects, public order, security or important economic interests of the State.4. The procedure for the provision of information, referred to in paras. 1 and 2 above shall be specified by statute, and regarding the Sejm and the Senate by their rules of procedure.
- Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej PolskiejCountry:Poland
Art. 61. 1. Obywatel ma prawo do uzyskiwania informacji o działalności organów władzy publicznej oraz osób pełniących funkcje publiczne. Prawo to obejmuje również uzyskiwanie informacji o działalności organów samorządu gospodarczego i zawodowego a także innych osób oraz jednostek organizacyjnych w zakresie, w jakim wykonują one zadania władzy publicznej i gospodarują mieniem komunalnym lub majątkiem Skarbu Państwa. 2. Prawo do uzyskiwania informacji obejmuje dostęp do dokumentów oraz wstęp na posiedzenia kolegialnych organów władzy publicznej pochodzących z powszechnych wyborów, z możliwością rejestracji dźwięku lub obrazu. 3. Ograniczenie prawa, o którym mowa w ust. 1 i 2, może nastąpić wyłącznie ze względu na określone w ustawach ochronę wolności i praw innych osób i podmiotów gospodarczych oraz ochronę porządku publicznego, bezpieczeństwa lub ważnego interesu gospodarczego państwa. 4. Tryb udzielania informacji, o których mowa w ust. 1 i 2, określają ustawy, a w odniesieniu do Sejmu i Senatu ich regulaminy.
- Magyarország AlaptörvényeCountry:Hungary
VI. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) […] (2) Mindenkinek joga van személyes adatai védelméhez, valamint a közérdekű adatok megismeréséhez és terjesztéséhez.
(3) A személyes adatok védelméhez és a közérdekű adatok megismeréséhez való jog érvényesülését sarkalatos törvénnyel létrehozott, független hatóság ellenőrzi.
- The Fundamental Law of HungaryCountry:Hungary
Article VI (Freeom and Responsibility) […] (2) Everyone shall have the right to the protection of his or her personal data, as well as to access and disseminate data of public interest. (3) The application of the right to the protection of personal data and to access data of public interest shall be supervised by an independent authority established by a cardinal Act.
- Constitution of the Hellenic RepublicURL:Country:Greece
Article 10(...) 3. The competent service or authority is obliged to reply to requests for information and for issuing gocuments, especially certificates, supporting documents and attestations within a set deadline not exceeding 60 days, as specified by law. In case this deadline elapses without action or in case of unlawful refusal, in addition to any other sanctions and consequences at law, special compensation is also paid to the applicant, as specified by law.
- Constitution of the Hellenic RepublicCountry:Greece
Article 5A (2) All persons have the right to participate in the Information Society. Facilitation of access to electronically transmitted information, as well as of the production, exchange and diffusion thereof, constitutes an obligation of the State, always in observance of the guarantees of articles 9, 9A and 19 [...] Article 10 (3) The competent service or authority is obliged to reply to requests for the provision of information and for the supply of documents, especially certificates, supporting documents and attestations, within a set deadline not exceeding 60 days, as specified by law. In case this deadline elapses without action or in case of unlawful refusal, in addition to any other sanctions and consequences at law, special monetary compensation is also paid to the applicant, as specified by law. [...]
- Το Σύνταγμα της ΕλλάδαςCountry:Greece
Άρθρο 5Α (2) Καθένας έχει δικαίωμα συμμετοχής στην Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας. Η διευκόλυνση της πρόσβασης στις πληροφορίες που διακινούνται ηλεκτρονικά, καθώς και της παραγωγής, ανταλλαγής και διάδοσής τους αποτελεί υποχρέωση του Κράτους, τηρουμένων πάντοτε των εγγυήσεων των άρθρων 9, 9Α και 19 [...] Άρθρο 10 (3) Η αρμόδια υπηρεσία ή αρχή υποχρεούται να απαντά στα αιτήματα για παροχή πληροφοριών και χορήγηση εγγράφων, ιδίως πιστοποιητικών, δικαιολογητικών και βεβαιώσεων μέσα σε ορισμένη προθεσμία, όχι μεγαλύτερη των 60 ημερών, όπως νόμος ορίζει. Σε περίπτωση παρόδου άπρακτης της προθεσμίας αυτής ή παράνομης άρνησης, πέραν των άλλων τυχόν κυρώσεων και έννομων συνεπειών, καταβάλλεται και ειδική χρηματική ικανοποίηση στον αιτούντα, όπως νόμος ορίζει.
- Constitution of the French RepublicURL:Country:France
Article 15 The President of the Republic shall be commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He shall preside over the higher national defence councils and committees.
- Constitution of FinlandCountry:Finland
Section 12 Freedom of expression and the right of access to information (...) Documents and recordings in the possession of the authorities are public, unless their publication has for compelling reasons been specifically restricted by an Act. Everyone has the right of access to public documents and recordings. Section 47 Parliamentary right to receive information The Parliament has the right to receive from the Government the information it needs in the consideration of matters. The appropriate Minister shall ensure that Committees and other parliamentary organs receive without delay the necessary documents and other information in the possession of the authorities. (...) A Representative has the right to information which is in the possession of authorities and which is necessary for the performance of the duties of the Representative, in so far as the information is not secret or it does not pertain to a State budget proposal under preparation. In addition, the right of the Parliament to information on international affairs is governed by the provisions included elsewhere in this Constitution.
- Suomen perustuslakiURL:Country:Finland
12 § Sananvapaus ja julkisuus (...) Viranomaisen hallussa olevat asiakirjat ja muut tallenteet ovat julkisia, jollei niiden julkisuutta ole välttämättömien syiden vuoksi lailla erikseen rajoitettu. Jokaisella on oikeus saada tieto julkisesta asiakirjasta ja tallenteesta. 47 § Eduskunnan tietojensaantioikeus Eduskunnalla on oikeus saada valtioneuvostolta asioiden käsittelyssä tarvitsemansa tiedot. Asianomaisen ministerin tulee huolehtia siitä, että valiokunta tai muu eduskunnan toimielin saa viipymättä tarvitsemansa viranomaisen hallussa olevat asiakirjat ja muut tiedot. (...) Kansanedustajalla on oikeus saada viranomaiselta tämän hallussa olevia edustajantoimen hoitamiseksi tarpeellisia tietoja, jotka eivät ole salassa pidettäviä eivätkä koske valmisteilla olevaa valtion talousarvioesitystä. Eduskunnan oikeudesta saada tietoja kansainvälisissä asioissa on lisäksi voimassa, mitä siitä muualla tässä perustuslaissa säädetään.
- Constitution of the Republic of EstoniaCountry:Estonia
Article 44. Everyone is entitled to free access to information disseminated for public use.
Pursuant to a procedure provided by law, all government agencies, local authorities, and their officials have a duty to provide information about their activities to any citizen of Estonia at his or her request, except for information whose disclosure is prohibited by law and information intended exclusively for internal use.
Pursuant to a procedure provided by law, any citizen of Estonia is entitled to access information about himself or herself held by government agencies and local authorities and in government and local authority archives. This right may be circumscribed pursuant to law to protect the rights and freedoms of others, to protect the confidentiality of a child’s filiation, and in the interests of preventing a criminal offence, apprehending the offender, or of ascertaining the truth in a criminal case.
Unless otherwise provided by law, citizens of foreign states and stateless persons in Estonia enjoy the rights specified in paragraphs two and three of this section equally with citizens of Estonia.
Article 51. Everyone has the right to address government agencies, local authorities, and their officials in Estonian and to receive responses in Estonian.
In localities where at least one half of the permanent residents belong to a national minority, everyone has the right to receive responses from government agencies, local authorities and their officials also in the language of the national minority.
EU Law
5 results found
- Council Decision 2013/488/EU of 23 September 2013 on the security rules for protecting EU classified information
Article 2 - Definition of EUCI, security classifications and markings
‘1. ‘EU classified information’ (EUCI) means any information or material designated by a EU security classification, the unauthorised disclosure of which could cause varying degrees of prejudice to the interests of the European Union or of one or more of the Member States. [...]‘
Article 7 - Personnel security
‘1. Personnel security is the application of measures to ensure that access to EUCI is granted only to individuals who have:
— a need-to-know,
— been security cleared to the relevant level, where appropriate, and
— been briefed on their responsibilities. [...]‘ - Report from the Commission on the application in 2013 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents
- Report from the Commission on the application in 2014 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents
- Report from the Commission on the application in 2015 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents
- Report from the Commission on the application in 2016 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents
International Law
4 results found
- Brisbane Declaration on Freedom of Information: The Right to Know (2010)
- Dakar Declaration on Media and Good Governance (2005)
- Maputo Declaration on Fostering Freedom of Expression, Access to Information ad Empowerment of People (2008)
- Recommendation No. R (2000) 13 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on a European policy on access to archives