FRA will join Equinet’s online meeting on 20 March about Equality Bodies’ standards. There will be an update on the current state of the legislative initiative and the expected conclusion.
FRA will present its report on ‘EU funds-ensuring compliance with fundamental rights’ to the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on 19 March.
FRA will present its report on the fundamental rights of older people, ensuring access to public services in digital societies to the European Commission Disability Platform.
Representatives from the Council of Europe, the European Commission and partner countries will meet on 19 March. They will launch their joint initiative on supporting Member States to make judicial proceedings more child-friendly across Europe nationally and locally.
News Item
On 12 March, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) signed new agreements to strengthen its partnership and cooperation with two EU Agencies - Frontex and eu-Lisa.
Criminal proceedings against Parchetul de pe lângă Curtea de Apel Craiova
Deciding body type
Court of Justice of the European Union
ECLI (European case law identifier)
Decision date
Sirpa Rautio
FRA Director Sirpa Rautio delivers the opening statement at the Agency's flagship event, the Fundamental Rights Forum 2024 in Vienna on 11 March.
On 5 March, FRA took part in a webinar, organised by the Prime Minister’s Office, launching the Finnish website on fundamental and human rights indicators. The website will monitor the implementation of fundamental rights in Finland.
FRA presented its approach to measuring self-identification and discrimination experiences, during the second meeting of Eurostat’s Equality and Non-Discrimination Statistics Task Force.