Past events

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754 Events found

On 2 September, FRA will participate in the online event “Responsible Business Conduct for Children: Strengthening EU Policy Measures to Address Business Impact on Children’s Rights in Business Operations and Supply Chains” organised by the German Presidency of the Council of the EU and UNICEF.
On 27 July, FRA will take part online in the first meeting of the European Economic and Social Committee’s study group on the Victims’ Rights Strategy.
On 22 July, FRA is going to publish ‘Your rights matter: Security concerns and experiences’ paper which looks at people’s security concerns and their worries about experiencing certain crimes.
On 16 July, FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty will present the results of the LGBTI survey to the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament.
Birmingham City University will host a seminar on 15 July on anti-LGBTI violence in Europe.
The annual summer school on EU policy making organised by the Institute for European Studies (IES) and the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna is this year organised online.
On 14 July, FRA is invited to contribute to the reflection of the Working Party on Social Question of the EU Council.
On 9 July, FRA’s Director will participate in a virtual meeting of the Heads of EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies.
On the 9th of July, the CoE-FRA-ENNHRI-EQUINET collaborative platform on social and economic rights meets virtually.
The EU CRPD Framework will meet with the EU Equality Commissioner Helena Dalli on 7 July.