
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    This report presents key results of the EU gender-based violence survey based on data from all 27 Member States. The report focuses on the overall prevalence of physical violence or threats and/or sexual violence by any perpetrator, violence perpetrated by women’s intimate partners and by other people (non-partners) and women’s experiences of sexual harassment at work.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Racism towards Muslims is increasing in countries across the EU. Muslims face racial discrimination and racist harassment because of their religion, skin colour or ethnic background. This report shows a sharp rise since the last survey in 2016.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Antisemitism is still a reality for many Jewish people in the EU today. Faced with prejudice and hostility, most feel unable to live openly Jewish lives. This report presents the results of FRA’s third EU survey of Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of antisemitism. The survey took place before the Hamas attacks in October 2023 and the war in Gaza; however, it includes evidence from a consultation with national and European Jewish umbrella organisations since. It covers 13 EU Member States that together account for around 96 % of the EU’s Jewish population.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    FRA’s third LGBTIQ survey shows that people still experience hate-motivated violence and discrimination. Trans and intersex people face even greater victimisation. Yet, signs of progress show that the EU’s and Member States’ efforts can positively affect people’s lives. More LGBTIQ people are open about their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics.
    Printed copies now available for order
    13 April 2022
    I minori sono titolari di diritti a pieno titolo. Sono beneficiari di tutti i diritti umani e fondamentali nonché oggetto di regolamenti speciali, in virtù delle loro caratteristiche specifiche. Il presente manuale si prefigge lo scopo di illustrare in che modo il diritto e la giurisprudenza europei tengono conto degli interessi e delle esigenze specifici dei minori. Evidenzia altresì l’importanza del ruolo svolto dai genitori e dai tutori o da altri rappresentanti legali e fa riferimento, ove opportuno, alle situazioni in cui diritti e responsabilità sono conferiti prevalentemente alle persone che si prendono cura dei minori. Il manuale mira a sensibilizzare e migliorare le conoscenze delle norme di legge che proteggono e promuovono questi diritti in Europa. Esso rappresenta un punto di riferimento per quanto concerne sia il diritto dell’Unione europea (UE) sia il diritto del Consiglio d’Europa (CdE) in materia e illustra come ciascun tema sia disciplinato dal diritto dell’UE, compresa la Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea, oltre che dalla Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo, dalla Carta sociale europea e da altri strumenti del Consiglio d’Europa.
    In this vlog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty highlights the need to work together to tackle hate and discrimination in our societies.
    FRA’s 2019 survey on Roma and Travellers in Belgium, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom interviewed almost 4 700 Roma and Travellers, collecting information on more than 8 200 individuals living in their households.
    If we are serious about protecting fundamental rights, we need to start listening to young people and what they have to tell us. This message came through very strongly at the Fundamental Rights Forum 2021. As we kick off the European Year of Youth 2022, let’s look at why listening to young people is key to protecting their rights.
    In this vlog, FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty points to the urgent need to work towards a fairer society and asks us all, as we go forward, to work less for people in the struggle for equality, but much more with them.
    Il parere FRA 1/21 illustra la portata e la natura delle esperienze vissute di disuguaglianza e discriminazione nell’UE, facendo riferimento ai motivi di discriminazione e agli ambiti di vita interessati dalle direttive sull’uguaglianza razziale e sulla parità di trattamento in materia di occupazione e di condizioni di lavoro e dalla proposta di direttiva sulla parità di trattamento. Il parere è stato pubblicato il 30 aprile 2021. Questa sintesi presenta le principali
    raccomandazioni («Risultati e pareri principali»)
    delineate nel parere FRA 1/21.
    Antisemitic incidents and hate crimes violate fundamental rights, especially the right to human dignity, the right to equality of treatment, and the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This report provides an overview of available data on antisemitism as recorded by official and unofficial sources in the EU Member States as well as Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia. The data provided by the countries are supplemented with information from international organisations.
    La presente relazione esamina i motivi per cui le vittime non denunciano gli episodi motivati da pregiudizi e le barriere che incontrano quando denunciano gli episodi attraverso i sistemi nazionali di denuncia dei reati. Mappando le prassi esistenti che hanno un impatto sulle esperienze delle vittime quando denunciano la violenza e le molestie motivate da pregiudizi, si vuole fornire prove a sostegno degli sforzi nazionali per incoraggiare e facilitare la denuncia — e in definitiva aiutare gli Stati membri ad adempiere ai loro obblighi in materia di lotta contro i reati d’odio.
    On 23 February 2021, FRA’s Director, Michael O’Flaherty, listened to fundamental rights concerns and discussed ways to solve them. The second Fundamental Rights Dialogue invited young people to participate in shaping our societies, placing human rights centre stage.
    Drawing on the ‘Encouraging hate crime reporting: the role of law enforcement and other authorities' report, in this infographic FRA outlines why reporting is so important and what must change to encourage hate crime reporting.
    On 16 June, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights publishes the seventh of its bulletins on the fundamental rights impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In his vlog FRA Director draws attention to fundamental rights issues related to the roll out of the vaccines in the EU 27 Member States.
    Periodic updates / Series
    This Coronavirus Bulletin focuses on equitable access to vaccines. It outlines the situation in the 27 EU Member States from 1 March to 30 April 2021. The bulletin looks at two main areas: planning and prioritisation in deploying Covid-19 vaccinations and their rollout in the countries. It covers information and communication campaigns, as well as (pre)registration channels for and the administration of vaccinations.
    Il 2020 è stato caratterizzato sia da progressi
    sia da battute d’arresto in termini di tutela dei
    diritti fondamentali. La Relazione sui diritti
    fondamentali 2021 dell’Agenzia dell’Unione
    europea per i diritti fondamentali (FRA) fa il punto
    della situazione sui principali sviluppi in materia,
    individuando i risultati ottenuti e i settori che destano
    ancora preoccupazione.
    FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2021 reviews major developments in the field in 2020, identifying both achievements and areas of concern. It also presents FRA’s opinions on these developments, including a synopsis of the evidence supporting these opinions. This year’s focus chapter explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fundamental rights. The remaining chapters cover: the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights; equality and non-discrimination; racism, xenophobia and related intolerance; Roma equality and inclusion; asylum, borders and migration; information society, privacy and data protection; rights of the child; access to justice; and the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
    This focus looks at COVID-19’s impact on fundamental rights. It underscores that a human rights-based approach to tackling the pandemic requires balanced measures that are based on law, necessary, temporary and proportional. It also requires addressing the pandemic’s socio-economic impact, protecting the vulnerable and fighting racism.
    There are many reasons for the police to stop someone. But prejudice should not be one of them. Find out what FRA is doing to end discriminatory police stops.
    Opinion / Position Paper
    This opinion illustrates the extent and nature of lived experiences of inequality and discrimination across the EU. It does so with reference to the grounds of discrimination and areas of life covered by the racial and employment equality directives, as well as in relation to the grounds and areas covered by the proposed Equal Treatment Directive.
    There are many reasons why adults may find themselves in a situation of vulnerability - because of their age, health or disability. Vulnerable people are at greater risk of unfair treatment, exploitation or abuse. And cross-border settings can lead to additional obstacles. It's time to address these challenges and identify the needs of vulnerable adults so everyone can enjoy their fundamental rights.
    FRA’s 2019 survey on Roma and Travellers in Belgium, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom interviewed almost 4 700 Roma and Travellers, collecting information on more than 8 200 individuals living in their households.
    This video statement by FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty was recorded for the online event '2021 Mayors Summit Against Anti-Semitism' which took place on 16 March 2021. The event was hosted by the city of Frankfurt am Main in partnership with the Combat Anti-Semitism Movement (CAM).